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Hitomi as Borg Queen?

One of the letters on the Dragon mailing list compared Hitomi to the "Borg" Queen in the Star Trek series. The comments were meant to be derisive but it does have a certain appeal. After all, she did recruit people from other clans, some of who were not happy to see their people change to the Dragon affiliation (i.e. Dojo Reju from the Crane clan). Imagine Hitomi with a tetsubo and Tashima (nee Shinjo Tashima) issuing this challenge in battle...   


We are the Dragon.

Prepare to be tattooed.

Lower your shields and surrender your weapons.

Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own.

Your culture will adapt to service us.

Resistance is Futile...





We are the Dragon.

Prepare to be tattooed.

Lower your shields and surrender your weapons.

Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own.

Your culture will adapt to service us.

Resistance is Futile...

Resistance is Futile...

Resistance is Futile...



last updated March 25, 2000


Kyuden Mirumoto | Links | Mirumoto War College | News | Rumors


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