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From Mon Jun 29 04:43:43 1998
Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 03:13:50 GMT
From: "Ryan S. Dancey" []
Subject: [L5R] And so we begin. Hidden Emperor Episode 1 On Sale
After many long months of work, the Legend of the Five Rings
Design Team
and Five Rings Publishing Group is very pleased to introduce all
of you to
the Hidden Emperor story arc!
Beginning today with Episode 1, and continuing for nine monthly
installments, you'll all have a chance to experience another fantastic,
epic, heroic tale set in the mythical world of Rokugan, the Jade
Empire, a
land where Honor is a force more powerful than Steel!
The story proper began almost two months ago with the release
of the Jade
Edition for L5R. Jade updated the various factions active in
the game to
a time period approximately two years after the defeat of the
evil god, Fu
Leng on the Day of Thunder. Since that time, the new Emperor,
Toturi, has
been consolidating his power and laying the groundwork for the
thousand years of Rokugan's development.
But something has gone horribly awry.
Toturi is missing. Many believe that the Scorpion clan have
taken their
final revenge on the man who killed Bayushi Shoju during the failed
Scorpion Clan Coup. In the halls of the Imperial Assembly there
are calls
for blood - after so much has happened, to have Toturi taken from
Empire is viewed as the ultimate disaster.
A Kitsuki Magistrate presents physical evidence to the Emerald
Kakita Toshimoko indicating that the Scorpion may not have been
But in Rokugan, evidence is meaningless - only the testimony of
matters. And after the Coup, the many betrayals of Bayushi Kachiko
the legacy of fear the Scorpion have engendered, many are willing
testify against them, and no one of repute is willing to stand
against the
Toshimoko makes a fateful choice - instead of death, he orders
Scorpion Clan exiled, never to return. As proof against their
he orders the young children of the Scorpion taken from the clan,
fostered among the other Clans. The threat is clear - return,
Toshimoko's order, and the Scorpion Children die.
Kachiko rallies the tattered remnants of her Clan, and they
depart for the
mysterious wasteland known as the Burning Sands under the watchful
eye of
their escort, lead by the butcher of the Clan Wars, Matsu Gohei.
Meanwhile, the Crab Clan have instigated the war they have
longed to fight
for generations. With Fu Leng dead, the Crab are convinced that
they can
destroy the Shadowlands utterly. Lead by their young, powerful
Hida Yakamo, a massive army of Crab bushi and Naga allies strike
deep into
the old Hiruma provinces and liberate the ruins of Hiruma Castle.
fight goes well for the Crab, until the Naga mysteriously withdraw
the field and begin a march northward across the Empire. Without
the aid
of their serpent allies, the Crab are driven back, and only a
band, commanded by Yakamo himself remains ensconced in Hiruma
The Naga are indeed set on a dark errand. They cross the Empire
in mere
days, and commence an assault on the ancient mountain fortresses
of the
Dragon Clan. In their haste, they spend no time explaining their
Their diplomats have left the Imperial Court, and none speak for
the Naga
in the Assembly. To the rest of Rokugan, the Naga appear to have
quite insane, and to have turned on their former allies without
At the center of this swirling maelstrom stands the man known
to the Naga
as The Daini. Formerly a son of the Mirumoto, brother of Hitomi,
Dragon Clan daimyo, The Daini must make a fateful choice: Stand
with his
adopted people against his clan and Family, or turn his back on
the clear
signs of evil in the actions of his sister Hitomi.
With the Empire in political chaos, the Hitomi/Naga war threatens
spread beyond the provinces of the Dragon, especially when word
comes from
the Brotherhood of Shinsei that many members of the Ise Zumi,
the tattooed
men have left the protection of Hitomi to take up the cause of
Hoshi, half man, half dragon, and son of the dead kami, Togashi
Under the gathering storm-clouds of war, the Empire of Rokugan
begins a
new, bloody chapter in history. The history of the time of the
Hidden Emperor Episode 1 consists of 51 cards. 50 of those
cards can be
found in HE/1 boosters, and the other card is available in HE/1
decks, featuring the Forests of Shinomen, a new Stronghold for
the Naga!
In the boosters, you will find 15 rare cards, 15 uncommon cards
and 20
common cards. These cards are normally packed 1R/2U/5C in the
8 card
booster packs.
You should average about 2 complete sets of HE/1 in a Combo
display, and
about 4 complete sets of HE/1 in a Booster display.
Booster packs SRP US$1.99, Stronghold Starter Decks, SRP US$8.99.
Ryan S. Dancey
Brand Manager, Five Rings Publishing Group
Wizards of the Coast
last modified December 9, 1999
Legends of the Five Rings CCG and the names of some characters are copyright of the Five Rings Publishing Group and Wizards of the Coast. Other names, stories and ideas are copyright MountainView.