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Bayushi Morai's Letter to L5rinfo


The Age of Man is coming to an end with Hitomi's ascendance to the
heavens, and the many factions of Rokugan are attempting to sway the
masses to support them in this important event.  Some choose to aid
certain sides to spite others.  Some just wish to see strange twists in
the future.

There are three possible outcomes that I can see.  One is that an
honorable clan wins, Hitomi dies honorably, and ascends to be the new
moon.  A second is that she dies dishonorably, and for a thousand years
the moon will continue to be a force of darkness.  The third possibility
is that the Living Shadow or the forces of the Shadowlands win, and
bring doom to Rokugan once again.

To ronin who bear no loyalty to a clan, you can either go with the clan
of the month, or you can make a statement.  Do you want the future of
Rokugan controlled by a few vocal people who have the attention of
important people?  No.  It's you, the masses, that make the difference.

To those that are loyal to their clans, and plan on playing them at the
Strike at Midnight, I commend you.  Your loyalty is great, but I ask
this - are you willing to sacrifice one of your clan members to Hitomi's
curse?  For that is exactly what I see here.  Once again, the true
winner of this tournament shall be the Dragon, for whatever they do,
they will be the ones that come off of this with a new moon to call
their own.  We've seen the winners of these tournaments suffer

The Oni in the Walls:  The doom of the Lion came from what was thought
to be a "good" tournament.  A spirit?  No, Akuma.
Receive a Tattoo:  Doji Reju was stolen by the Dragon for Crane's win in
this tournament.  Dragon gets their first of many story prizes.
Morikage:  The Unicorn were infested by the Kolat for their efforts.
Gift of the Emperor:  The Scorpion voluntarily accepted this booby
prize, and rumor has it that once again, the Dragon will win out in the
War in the Heavens:  The Monks "won", but Dragon truly won.

Strike at Midnight is a similar thing, I believe.  The winner will lose
a member from their clan, and the *TRUE* winner will once again be the

Some would say "I'll play Shadowlands Horde or Ninja then, and mess with
the story"... Anyone with any honor [even a Scorpion] wouldn't sink that
low.  The Shadowlands and Ninja mustn't win this one, because the
repercussions could unmake Rokugan as we know it.

Will Hitomi ascend honorably or not?  This is the root of the question.
And who shall be the one to lose a clan member forever?  Rather than
sacrifice one of your own, I offer an alternative.  The Scorpion
voluntarily took the burden of the Gift of the Emperor, and we are
willing to suffer through losing one of our clan members, especially if
it gives us a potential weapon against the Shadow.

To the Crab:  You've got more important things to do than lose one of
your personalities now that you've finally returned to a level where you
can actually compete in the current tournament circuit.
To the Crane:  Do you really want to "win" another tournament?  Seppun
Toshiken, the Emerald Champion that YOU won a tournament for,
slaughtered the Imperial Court and killed Kakita Yoshi.  What will
losing MORE people do for you?
To the Dragon:  I have nothing to say to the Dragon.  They will try in
vain to protect Hitomi.  But they can't stand against us if we unite.
To the Lion:  Corrupt or not, you need your strength.  You've fallen far
enough from your glory days back in the Clan Wars.
To the Phoenix:  You've just finished rebuilding, and become a power.
However, do you really want to lose your clan champion?
To the Unicorn:  Shinjo's just purged your clan, slaughtering many.  Are
you willing to sacrifice another for a Dragon?
To the Naga:  Another soul, lost forever from the Akasha.  The Dragon
betrayed you and released the Shadow itself to feed upon the land.
Hitomi will die either way, but together we can make her death painful.
To the Imperial Armies:  Toturi requires your strength.  You lost the
only person in the War in the Heavens as Hasame was murdered.  That's
one more than anyone else lost there.
To the Mantis:  Are you willing to give up YORITOMO HIMSELF, the Son of
Storms, for a Dragon?
To the Brotherhood:  Hitomi slayed how many of you?  Hoshi is the new
Dragon Daimyo, and will need your strength.

Dragon shouldn't be handed another tournament.  And who are the
undisputed masters of dishonor?  If you don't want the Dragon to smirk
victoriously once again, play Scorpion at the Strike at Midnight.  Play
Scorpion dishonor wherever you can.  Use Unclean Cuts, if it amuses you,
and Disgraced.  The Dragon have been so proud of how they've altered the
storyline and made Hitomi honorable.  It's time to turn that all around
with one weekend.

The first Tattooed men, Akuai, Tashima, Kobai... They were all clearly
evil.  Hitomi allowed Kokujin back in the clan.  If you truly believe
that Hitomi should have remained an anti-hero, or even a villain, play
Scorpion dishonor at the Strike at Midnight and make the honorable
Dragon pay.

Bayushi Murai
Scorpion Clan Poet


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(February 13, 2000)


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