Real Name: Sean SpadeAge: 24
Height: 6'4"Weight: 260 lbs.
Alignment: HeelWrestling Style: Technical, Brawler
Hometown: Indianapolis, Indiana
Manager: None
Favorite Quote: "It's All In Fun"
Nickname(s): None

Theme Music: "Cocky" by Kid Rock

To The Ring - Sean walks out onto the top of the ramp as the music starts to play he looks around cockily and grins as he struts to the ring...once inside he stands in the middle and thrusts his arms out to the sides as PYRO's go off behind him.

Leaving The Ring - Just leaves...mocking the fans on the way out.

Skin Color: TannedSkin Type: Muscular/Chesthair
Hair Length: MediumFacial Hair: Stubble
Hair Color: BlackEye Color: Brown
Wrestling Attire:

Shirt - Sometimes wears a black t-shirt with his affiliations logo...usually no shirt

Pants - Depends... wears the "underwear" tights in either flashy purple and gold...or black and white

Boots - Black

Elbow Pads - Black

Knee Pads - Black

Wrists - None

Tattoo(s) - A spade on his lower right calf
Five Favorite Moves:
Stalling Suplex
Pulling Piledriver
Abdominal Stretch

Trademark Move(s):

  • Fallaway Slam
  • Stands over opponent and "paintbrush slaps" them in the face
Finishing Move(s):
  • Dueces Wild: Razor's Edge
  • Super Dueces Wild: Razor's Edge off the top rope
Years Pro--
5 Years

Wrestler Background--

Has Wrestled around the country in many small independent federations...but made his larges mark in Japan wrestling for the JPW(Japanese pro Wrestling) federation. Where he won the International Title as well as the Extreme title... he was banned after urinating in the presidents coffee when he was stripped of his International title... he returned to the states and ran into an old running buddy of his... that was his hookup to the MWO and he is.

Wrestling Accomplishments--

2x JPW Extreme Title Holder
1x JPW International Title Holder
Primary Weapon: Sledgehammer
Secondary Weapon: Steel Chair

Specialty Match: Hardcore Match

Strengths: Good brawler as well as Technical Wrestler... his time in Japan skilled him against the cruiserweights...he is a well rounded wrestler.
Weaknesses: Has a tendancy to do things without thinking about the consequences.

Personal Career Highlight: Seeing the President of JPW drink a cup of coffee... that Sean had just urinated in.