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In Memory of My Wonderful Mother

Rebecca Whiteside Snyder 2/10/1916 to 1/25/98
Layed to Rest, Sacramento, CA 1/28/98
This eulogy was written by Wayne Thomas Snyder Jan. 27,1998


She gave me life, encouragement, trust, and the purest of loves.
She was my shelter when I felt pain.
She was my healer when I was sick.
She was my teacher of the true lessons of substance.
She was my Sunday School Teacher, for it was through her touch and the purity of her heart that I was able to know God.

All though while I am in this world I shall never again feel the comfort of her embrace, nor have the joy of hearing her sweet voice, she will forever be alive within my heart, and to the best of my ability within my actions.

She was always my advocate.
My truest example of unconditional love.
Always willing to show her pride in my accomplishments.
Always willing to show her pride in even my weakest attempts to overcome my hardships and frailties.

I will try to live up to my Mother’s pride in me.
I will always feel her stronger in my heart whenever I should live her values. To love, to share, to care.

I Love You Mom! With all my heart and with all my soul. Rest in Peace sweet spirit.

Your son,

