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F3 - - Selected Stars - -

- for observers in northern latitudes -

The location of a star is given by its sidereal hour angle (S.H.A.) and its declination (Dec.). The locations given below are rounded off to the degree of angle and are an aid in finding the star, but for sight reduction, more precise values will be needed from the Nautical Almanac.

No.    Name         Mag.     S.H.A.        Dec.     Constalation   

 1  Alpheratz       2.2*      358          N.29      Andromida  
 3  Schedar         2.5*      350          N.56      Cassiopeia
 9  Mirfac          1.9       309          N.50      Perseus
10  Aldebaran       1.1*      291#         N.16      Taurus
11  Rigel           0.3*      282#         S. 8      Orion
12  Capella         0.2*      281          N.46      Auriga
13  Bellatrix       1.7*      279#         N. 6      Orion
15  Alnilam         1.8*      276#         S. 1      Orion

16  Betelgeuse      var.*     271#         N. 7      Orion
18  Sirius         -1.6*      259#         S.17      Canis Major
20  Procyon         0.5*      245#         N. 5      Canis Minor 
21  Pollux          1.2*      244          N.28      Gemini  

26  Regulus         1.3*      208#         N.12      Leo
28  Denebola        2.2*      183#         N.15      Leo
33  Spica           1.2*      159#         S.11      Vergo
37  Arcturus        0.2*      146#         N.19      Bootes

39  Zubenelgenubi   2.9*      138#         S.16      Libra
41  Alpheca         2.3*      127          N.27      Corona Borealis
42  Antares         1.2*      113#         S.26      Scorpius
49  Vega            0.1*       81          N.39      Lyra

50  Nunki           2.1*       76#         S.26      Sagittarius
51  Altair          0.9*       63#         N. 9      Aquila
53  Deneb           1.3*       50          N.45      Cygnus
56  Fomalhaut       1.3        16#         S.30      Piscis Austrinus
* = Stars that are prominent for observers in the Northern hemisphere. # = Stars that are prominent for observers in the Southern hemisphere. Var. = Variable star, mag. = 0.1 to 1.2 - Note that many stars are visible North and South of the equator.
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