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Nordfinn's Olav

New England Model Horse Club

President: Nancy F. Timm
Technical Support/Web page designer: Jen Timm
965-6 Main Street Bryant Cove
Holden, MA 01520
(508)829-5682 e-mail

Last Updated,: 9 August 1999

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Live showing
Photo showing
Point Tabulation
Incentive Program
NEMHC Benefits
Fees and Newletter Information
Ads and Articles
Latest News and Events
The Latest Breed Profile

New England Model Horse Club (NEMHC) was founded in 1990 to promote the model horse hobby in the New England area. NEMHC is a fun and informal club where many of its members know each other and keep in contact. This encourages the learning process and the exchange of ideas in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. We have a newsletter six times per year with information on local shows, race meets, photo shows, mini and silly shows (usually held in someone’s home), model horse clinics, and info on the latest models. We also have a major NAMHSA® (North American Model Horse Shows Association®)-qualifying live show, as well as end of the year awards and a member-involvement incentive program. Yearly dues are $4.00 plus six stamps to cover the cost of the newsletter and printing.

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LIVE SHOWS - Almost anything is a good reason to have a live show. If you want to hold one, send the info (with awards to be given) and a map so it can be printed in the next newsletter. It is best to plan 2-3 months in advance. Any type of awards is fine (ribbons, certificates, models, etc.).

PHOTO SHOWS - Members are encouraged to advertise their photo shows in the newsletter. Send a one-page ad with the classlist and information and it will be printed in the newsletter. Please plan well in advance to allow for newsletter advertisement and mailing schedules.

WW Bizet

RACES - Races are usually held in a live show format, on a large posterboard to fit a table. Races can also be held via mail, similar to a photo show. Rules vary, but racing points are awarded as follows: WIN: 10 pts; PLACE: 5 pts; SHOW: 1 pt.

POINTS - End of the year awards are given to the model with the highest number of points per calendar year. You are responsible for keeping track of your points. Both live and photo shows are eligible. The point system is as follows:

1st place---------------10 points
2nd place----------------9 points
3rd place----------------8 points
4th place----------------7 points
5th place----------------6 points
6th place----------------5 points
7th place----------------4 points
8th place----------------3 points
9th place----------------2 points
10th place---------------1 point
Honorable Mention---------1/2 point

Grand Champion of Show - 100 points; Reserve - 80 points
Halter Champion (Overall or Breed, Gender, Finish, etc.) - 40 points; Reserve - 30 points
Performance Champion (Overall or Division) - 50 points; Reserve - 40 points
Honors, Judge’s Choice, etc. - 20 points

If your model qualifies for NAN® (North American Nationals®) - add 10 extra points to overall score.
If your model shows and places at NAN® - National Champion - 300 points; National Reserve Champion - 250 points; Top Ten Honor - 100 points.

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All points from the NEMHC Summer Live Show and shows (both Live and photo) where proceeds benefit the club are worth TRIPLE points.

All points from the New England Spring Expo, KMF Live Show, Annual Maine Live Show, Windrush Live!, and Bay State Winter Open, and non-benefit shows (live or photo) being held by NEMHC members are worth DOUBLE points.

All other shows (live or photo) and all silly/fun shows are worth SINGLE points.

INCENTIVE PROGRAM - Every member is encouraged to participate in club activities by submitting articles, hosting successful (3 or more entries), clinics, etc. Points will be tabulated and special awards will be presented along with the year-end awards. The point system is as follows:

Submit article to newsletter (limited to 1 every 6 mos.) 25 points

Host a successful NEMHC benefit photo show 50 points

Enter a successful NEMHC benefit photo show 25 points

Host a successful NEMHC benefit live show 100 points

Enter a successful NEMHC benefit live show 50 points

Host a successful NEMHC benefit clinic 100 points

Attend a successful NEMHC benefit clinic 50 points

Host a successful NEMHC benefit race 50 points

Enter a successful NEMHC benefit race 25 points

Host a successful NEMHC benefit contest 50 points

Enter a successful NEMHC benefit contest 25 points

Breyer Proud Arab Mare

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NEMHC BENEFITS - Hosting events to benefit NEMHC is encouraged. This helps us pay for year-end awards and the summer live show expenses. Benefits may be in the form of a live show, photo show, racemeet, etc., where 100% (or more than 50%) of the money goes to NEMHC. We encourage everyone to attend these events and support the club. Entering these events will be worth TRIPLE points towards the year-end awards as well as points in the incentive program.


Yearly dues are $4.00 and six stamps to cover the cost of producing, copying, and mailing out of the newsletter, as well as prizes throughout the year and year-end awards. Fees can be paid in person or by mail to:

Nancy F. Timm, 965-6 Main Street, Holden, MA 01520

PLEASE make check out to Nancy, NOT NEMHC. You will be sent a reminder that your membership will expire in your last newsletter. You will have 60 days to renew or else your membership will lapse. You will only get one reminder, as it costs the club money to have to keep reminding you. Please pay promptly.

The newsletter is printed six times per year. Approximate mailing dates are as follows:


Issue #1 January/February----------December 25th
Issue #2 March/April---------------February 25th
Issue #3 May/June------------------April 25th
Issue #4 July/August---------------June 25th
Issue #5 Setember/October----------August 25
Issue #6 November/December---------October 25th

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ADS & ARTICLES - Newsletter ads are free, as well as photos, articles, drawings, etc. Submit all ads, want lists, articles, classlists, etc., with SASE if you’d like your property returned to you, to Nancy at the above address. Be sure to heed the mailing date of the newsletter and mail your submission in plenty of time if you want your submission to get into the next newsletter.

Latest News and Events

Check out the article on the Irish Horse

Thanks - and welcome to the New England Model Horse Club.

The New England Model Horse Club Summer Live Show is a member of

Pictured: #1:Nordfinn's Olav, Norwegian Fjord stallion by Jen Timm.
#2: WW Bizet , CM by Jen Timm, owned by Nancy Timm.
#3: Ad Astra Breyer Proud Arab Mare, o/b Jen Timm.
#4: Picasso, Carlee Balling resin painted by Sarah Minkiewicz.

Links to other sites on the Web

Jen Timm's Page
Norse Horse Association & Registry (NHAR)
Breed Profiles
Wachusett Willows - Jen Timm's Gallery

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Email the president, Nancy Timm, at