Night of the Demons-The Webpage

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Angela's up to her old Tricks...

Night of the Demons 3


Amelia Kinkade, Patricia Rodriguez,
Larry Day, Kris Holdenried,
Gregory Calpakis, Tara Sloane,
Christian Tessier, Joel Gordon,
Stephanie Bauder

Written by Kevin S. Tenney

Directed by Jiimy Kaufman

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     Those darn kids can't seem to stay out of Hull House funeral home on Halloween night, can they? This time, a pack of teenage hooligans hide out from the cops in the house not realizing they've stumbled through the doors of Hell, Oops!

And The Story Goes

     What to say about Night of the Demons 3, well to be honest not a hell of a lot. This film almost ruins the whole series. The setting is a whole different house, the acting is horrible, and the effects leave a lot to be desired. Strangely enough this film is written be the director of the first film, but he did not direct it, thank god, with the story being as bad as it was, imagine what would have happened if he had gotten ahold of the camera to.
     I will admit that the opening of the film is a funny sequence, but as soon as the credits start to roll the whole film starts to roll down hill. The film has the alternate title of Demon House, proballay to trying and cash on in people who had never heard of Night of the Demons. If you've seen Night of the Demons 1 and 2, the odds are you will find something redeeming in Night of the Demons 3, but not a hell of a lot.

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