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Ani Difranco

Sound = B+

Art = Just the front and inside cover
1 Submerged
2 Subway
4 1 x 1
5 Two Be Free
6 Handsome Musician
7 Fair Weather
8 North Main Street
9 Everywhere She Looks

Venue/Date = University Theater, Calgary AB 1/19/95
Sound = A-
Art = Yes.

1 Intro
2 Face Up And Sing
3 Hell Yeah
4 Letter To A John
5 Light Of Some Kind
6 Out Of Range
7 Tiptoe
8 Cradle And All
9 Not A Pretty Girl
10 Shy
11 The Diner
12 32 Flavors
13 My IQ
14 Anticipate

Venue/Date = Rialto Theater, Tucson AZ 6/5/96
Sound = A-
Art = No.
2 Discs

Disc One
1 Worthy
2 Ani speaks
3 Untouchable Face
4 Superhero
5 Fire Door
6 Gravel
7 Anticipate
8 Adam And Eve
9 Coming Up
10 A Letter To John
11 Face Up And Sing
12 Out Of Range

Disc Two
1 Buildings And Bridges
2 Willing To Fight
3 32 Flavors
4 Shameless
5 Tiptoe
6 Cradle And All
7 Not A Pretty Girl
8 Shy
9 The Diner
10 Not So Soft
11 Both Hands

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