This is where I share the interactive Growlithe's BBS story: The Flame Chronicles! It's pretty exciting, and if you want to join just go to the below link. Here it is, part by part!
One day in the world of Pokčmon, a young Pikachu arose to the noise of a battle outside. He looked and saw one trainer with an Arcanine standing by her side, and the other with a Raichu. One trainer, the Arcanine owner, suddenly shouted, "Go, Rene! Ember, now!" The Arcanine, Rene, ran out and three small flames shot out of it's mouth. Raichu's trainer responded with, "Agility, Voltage!" Drawn by the noise, the Pikachu ran closer to the battle. Out of nowhere, another trainer came and picked him up. "PPM! I thought you were gone forever!" she exclaimed. "Hey, let me show you some of the new friends I got when I was looking for you!" She threw out five PokčBalls. Two Growlithe, a Meowth, a Jolteon, and a Dragonair popped out. PPM examined them closely. He then shook everybody's...various appendages, since Growlithe and Dragonair don't have "hands", per say. The trainer introduced PPM to them, one by one. The Growlithe were Blaze3 and Doggirl, the Jolteon was Jolteon11, the Meowth was Meowlithe, and the Dragonair was PokčDragon. Then, she pulled out a Togepi, Lumicity, from her backpack. The two battling trainers, meanwhile, stopped battling and ran over to PokčDragon's trainer. "Cool Pokčmon," the male trainer said. "May we, er, touch them?" the female inquired. Strange as it was, the trainer responded, "Sure, why not?" What he didn't know was that these two people were Jessie and James from Team Rocket! They turned out stealing all but one of her Pokčmon. But...who was it?
Part Two
PokéDragon dove into a nearby lake and used Acid Armor seconds before Team Rocket ran up to them. As a result of this, he was the only one remaining, armed with his sentience, attacks, and the ability to use them. He decided to try and chase after his friends, so he followed the footsteps all the way to the Team Rocket HQ. Almost instantly after entering, an alarm went off and about fifty Rocket Members ran through the hallway. He used Thunderwave and paralyzed half of them, then a quick barrage of Slams on the remaining 25. But, suddenly, he felt a strange tingling sensation all over him. He was evolving! Dragonite was tall, but he could still easily fit through the hallways of the TRHQ. He flew through what seemed like 100 halls and rooms, when finally he reached the cage room. Unfortunately, there were about ten other guards there, too. "Hey, it's a Dragonite!" one shouted. "It'll make the boss very happy!" exclaimed another. "No duh," PokéDragon thought. "Why don't you come and capture me, then? Oh, yeah, I forgot, you must be beaming with pride!" A white ball of energy formed in front of PokéDragon's mouth, then a huge Hyper Beam shot out right at the formation of guards. "Yaaaaaarrrgh!!!" all of them cried as they ran straight out of the room, with the Beam chasing them. "Now, to find my friends!" he thought. He was looking around and saw two Growlithes and a Pikachu inside a cage. "Blaze3? Doggirl? PPM? Wave at me if that's you." Two of them waved, the Growlithes. "Okay, stand back, I'm going to Slam the cage open." He Slammed it about five times and the door sprung open. "Okay, now, Blaze3 and Doggirl, go guard either side's door. I've got to look for Lumicity and Jolteon11." Jolteon was easy to find, seeing as how he was the only Jolteon in the place. But where were Lumicity, Meowlithe, and PPM? PokéDragon asked the only people there. Blaze3 and Doggirl didn't see anything, but Jolteon saw where the three went. "Two guys and a girl carried all of them off to that hallway down there," Jolteon11 explained. "The girl had hair like a hook, and the guys had hair like rectangles. One of them also had a Ditto on his shoulder." "Jessie, James, and Mondo! One of you three has to come with me to help. The other two of you should stay in your cages, so nobody suspects anything."
Part Three
"Okay, you, Doggirl" PokčDragon said to her. Jolteon11, Blaze3, you stay here and if you catch any sign of the others, send out a thought at me, since I know you're sentient." The duo walked quite awkwardly down the cramped hallways of the Boss's quarters. They were right at the door when suddenly, lasers came out of the walls and started blasting away at them! "Boy, this guy doesn't like visitors, does he?" Doggirl said. "Got that right, but no time for talk, we gotta run!" PokčDragon exclaimed. One red beam whizzed millimeters away from their flesh. Almost instantly after that, many other beams blasted out and formed a cage around them. "Now we have them!" a mysterious voice bellowed from the darkness. "Yeah, boss! There's just two more left!""Uh-oh ..." Doggirl said fearfully. "Now, we will turn off the laser cage, but if you make the slightest move, they will reactivate and you will be sizzled to a crisp. Deactivate the lasers!" Giovanni said as he emerged from the darkness. Six others came out behind him: Jessie, James, Mondo, a Pikachu, a Meowth, and a Togepi. "Hello, PokčDragon. Hello, Doggirl." PPM said strangely. "We work for the Rockets now, so you two have just lost some of your best allies" Lumicity said with the same tone of voice as PPM. "You'd be a fool to mess with us" Meowlithe also said evilly. "Grrr what have you done with them?!?!" Doggirl and PokčDragon cried simultaneously. "They didn't do anything to us, PokčDragon! We're all trapped in Giovanni's office! I'd help, but you need to take care of the evil clones first!" the real Lumicity shouted, distantly. "Hear that, Doggirl? We've got to get rid of them! You use Fire Blast, I'll charge up my Hyper Beam. On 3, we'll fire." PokčDragon ordered. "1 2 3!!!" The duo shot out their most powerful attacks, knocking out all seven of them. "Now, to disable the lasers, just think this code: 7-A-3-0-1-Z" PPM told them. "We're down the hall, in the third door on the right" Meowlithe informed them. As PD and Doggirl ran down the hall, another mysterious figure spoke to them from the shadows. "Going somewhere?" Who was it, and what did it want?
Part Four
There was a short pause, then a blast of fire came burning out of the shadows. "Rene? The Arcanine?" Doggirl inquired. There was another short pause, then a bolt of electricity shot out of the darkness. "Voltage, the Raichu?" PokéDragon asked. "No, it's only me..." the Pokémon said as it walked out of the darkness. "Clefable! And now, I shall do what Giovanni has failed to accomplish." He waved his fingers from side to side, just like a "Metronome! Clefable's most powerful attack!" Doggirl exclaimed. "And fry!" It started bouncing up and down pointlessly. "Drat. When I recover from this, mark my words, you will be finished!" The duo continued running through the halls when the same face appeared in front of them again. "T-t-t-teleport!" PokéDragon stuttered. "Yeah, Teleport, whaddya expect? And now...I'll prove that music soothes the savage Pokémon!" A sweet sound came out of Clefable's mouth as he was saying this. "Oh, no, he's using Si--" Then Doggirl collapsed in a heap. PokéDragon fell soon after. When they awoke, they were in a jail cell. "No use trying to escape. This place is guarded better'n Alcatraz. I've been here 40 years, I should know," someone said from the cell next to them. "But...who are you? And how did you get here?" Doggirl inquired.
Part Five
"I've spent my whole life here," Mew_Lumicity said. "I don't think I've ever seen the light of day. I'm the only Mew in the world, and I was bred by Team Rocket. They tried to make me evil, like them, but I wouldn't submit. Then, they drained me of my psychic powers via Mewtwo and kept me in here since then. Like I said, this place is guarded better than Alcatraz. Many Pokčmon have come here, but all of them have met the same fate." He then gestured to a pile of bones in the corner. "It's impossible to escape. Believe me, I've tried! But that one inept guard has always stopped me. Unfortunately, there's always a tiny alarm system on the gates which generates a tiny electric shock that always wakes him up. Then I get kicked back in here in 5 seconds." "Jeez, that's rough " PokčDragon said with a hint of sorrow in his voice. "Hey, PD! You're psychic, remember? I don't think they drained your powers! Try using a little Psywave on the alarm!" Doggirl reminded him. "Good idea! Okay, here goes!" Then PokčDragon concentrated on the tiny alarm system in the gates. Rainbow colored circles "popped" out of his head and onto the gates. "Think it worked?" Doggirl asked. "Only one way to find out! Here I go!" Mew_Lumicity said excitedly. He opened the gate and the one inept guard kept sleeping! "Whoo-hoo! We're out, finally!" Doggirl practically shouted. "Whoa, calm down! We don't know what's out there!" PokčDragon told her. "You're right, PD. You DON'T know what or who is out here," A familiar voice said. "It was flawless, really. Work with you to get into the base, then meet with my real people and destroy you. You never knew. It was perfect. But then that-that MEW had to come along and get you out. No matter. I'm still going to destroy you."
Part 6
Yes, it is I, Jolteon! And now, to eliminate you! As a large Thunderwave flew out from his spines, Mew_Lumicity sent out something that looked like a ripple in the air. Psychic? I didnt know you were capable of that! Your powers were drained, after all. Doggirl said, amazed. Huh I guess when I escaped the cell, my powers were somehow returned. Mew_Lumicity said with the same amazed tone. At that instant the Psychic hit Jolteon11, and he flew back into the wall. The Thunderwave missed them by a millimeter, so close that Doggirl and Mew_Lumicitys hair stood on end. Grrr...well, I hope you like this one then, you meddlesome trio! Jolteon said in a rage. Suddenly a horrible noise shot out of his mouth. Yaaaaaaaaaahhh! It hurts it hurts it hurts! Mew_Lumicity shrieked. Dont worry, you guys. Ill handle this. PokéDragon said bravely, as a ball of white light began to form in his mouth. Ah, a Hyper Beam. Very clever of you, but not as clever as me! Jolteon said as he raced around the room in a blur of yellow. A wind tunnel formed around the three of them and they flew up to the ceiling, where a pair of mechanical hands held them in place securely. No escaping now, you pests! annihilate you and rise to the highest spot in Team Rocket! Think of it...Jolteon11, only person to ever terminate the sentient Pokčmon refugees. Id be higher than Giovanni, richer than astronauts, and ruler of all the Rockets! Take THIS, annoyances! A huge spark started to come out of his body, but then he thought for a minute. PokéDragon, Jolteon11 said. That Hyper Beam youre keeping hidden in your mouth. Discharge it, or youll get a much more gruesome death than the others. PokéDragon gulped and with it, took down the Hyper Beam.. Now that thats taken care of... The electricity started surging again, and a tremendous beam of electric energy blasted out at them. Almost instantly, it was stopped. Huh? all four of them said questioningly. Cant let you do that to my friends, Jolteon. Its not right, and now youre the one wholl pay. A small, oval shadow walked out of the darkness and everyone exclaimed, Lumicity! Hes right, Jolteon. Being a fellow electric type, we could probably work this out reasonably. But if not... PPM stepped out of the shadows and let the threat hang. Meanwhile, Meowlithe was working on the mechanical hands that held the Mew, Dragonite, and Growlithe in place. 6 against one? Your odds arent too good here, you evil villain. Now, you either let us go, or-- Make that 10 against one, Meowlithe. Fable, Voltage, Blaze3 and Rene leaped out of the shadows right in front of Jolteon. PPM jumped beside Voltage, Lumicity walked over next to Fable, and Meowlithe, now finished freeing the trapped trio, ran to the side of Rene. Mew_Lumicity floated between PokéDragon and Doggirl, and the group was complete. Now guys, heh, you wouldnt do this to a friend, would you? We can work this out, right? PPM? You mentioned an agreement? Heh, guys? Guys? Jolteon said frantically and nervously. Friend my non-existent butt! You tried to kill us! Doggirl cried out. Agreement? What agreement? PPM asked furiously. Oh yeah, that agreement. Guys? Which one of you wants to do the honors of hitting him first? I have an idea. Lets all do it! Rene exclaimed. Okay, here we go! PPM said. And the 10 of them used their most powerful attacks in a display so flashy and intense that it could never in your life be described in a low-budget message like this. When the brawl was over, what was left of Jolteon was too gruesome that it could never in your life be described in a low-budget message like this. All they could think of as they were leaving was the sight of him in his dying moments. Everyone went to their respective trainers houses, and though they were all battle-scarred for life, eventually they forgot about that hideous day. Meanwhile at the TRHQ, many Rocket members found the body of Jolteon11 and brought him to the boss. Well, we may have lost one of our best warriors, but we havent. Bring out the Resurrection Machine! We must revive him! Giovanni shouted. The resurrection was a success, and Jolteon right now lives and breathes, though he has lost all passion for evil and joined his false, kind, non-evil trainer and his friends forevermore.
The Flame Chronicles 2: The Legendary Mystery
My name is Entei. I am known as the Mystical Dog of Fire in the world of Pokčmon. And
this is our story. Who are we? Well, there's me, my partners Suikun and Raikou, Mystical
Dogs of Ice and Electricity respectively. There's the Three Legendary Birds, Articuno,
Zapdos, and Moltres. Houou, or Phoenix as we call him, and Lugia are the two newest
ones here, and we call them the Twins of Weather, because they are known to control
it. Then there's Mew and Mewtwo, the ultimate psychic clones. We've been sent to this
place, the Negaverse, because there's a disturbance that only we can handle and get
rid of. It is unknown what we're facing, but what we do know is that it's going to be
the most exciting and dangerous thing we've ever done.
"Suikun, what are you doing?" I asked him. "Entei, I'm just trying to have fun here, it's
so boring!" he replied as he dodged a blow by Raikou. "Besides," Raikou added, "We
have no clue what we're dealing with. This training could do us good!" "If you could call
that training, you two! Fight against us and it'll really do you good!" Two voices called
up from above. "Houou, Moltres, did you find anything up there?" I called up. "Nada,
Entei. But I think I see Articuno and Zapdos coming over, ask them." Moltres replied.
Nearly at the same time, an Ice Beam landed a few inches from my feet. "You wanna
watch it, Suikun? You forget, you're weak against me and one well placed Ember could
take you down!"
"Break it up, all of you! You forget, you're ALL weak against me!" Mewtwo called from
an unknown place. At that time, Zapdos, Articuno, and Lugia returned. "See anything?"
I asked. "Yeah, there's this really weird looking building over about a mile or two with a
weird sign on it."
Zapdos said. "And there's a weird, out of place whirlpool down in the lake that looks like
the exact same thing." Lugia responded. "I noticed nothing out of the ordinary, except
for that army of guys in black heading straight for us. They're about a half-mile away,
so we should have about 10 minutes to get ready. Also, Mew is about three miles away
and Mewtwo's right above us in that tree." Articuno stated.
"Jeez, Articuno, sometimes I'd swear you were part Psychic! I went invisible and you
still knew I was up here!" Mewtwo called as he jumped down from the tree. "I'll be right
there guys, I just have a little problem of my own now. There's about ten guys in black
surrounding me." Mew faintly told us. "Mom, you can go invisible, too. I got all my
powers from you! Also, you can Teleport over here while you're invisible." Mewtwo
called. "That's the first time I've ever heard Mewtwo call Mew 'Mom'" I said. "Note to
self: Erase Entei's memory. End note." Mewtwo joked. Suddenly, Mew appeared in our
little group. "Um, guys, there's about 50 guys coming after us now, and they're about
10 feet away!" Mew alerted.
"Battle positions, everybody! Mewtwo and Mew, invisible, now! Moltres, Articuno,
Zapdos, get up into the clouds and get ready for a storm! Go, go, go!" I commanded.
I'm sort of the leader of this group. At that moment, 50 guys with nunchucks, maces,
and clubs jumped out of the trees. "Suikun, Raikou, Tri-Element Attack!" I yelled out
and shot out a Fire Blast. Raikou launched a Thunder, and Suikun sent out and Ice
Beam. We took out close to half of them, and then I bellowed, "Let 'er rip, Moltres!"
Fire began to rain from one of the clouds and a couple of them ran in fear. We still had
20 left, though. "Send 'em down, Zapdos!" Raikou called up. A tremendous Thunder
storm started up as Suikun yelled, "Time for the sleet, Articuno!" Big chunks of ice
dropped from the heavens and a few more ran away. 10 left, still. "Houou, Lugia, Mew,
Mewtwo, sic 'em!" I told them. We have to let them finish off the battles or they get
really angry. "Eeewww
I did not need to see that!" The three of us said with disgust.
"You may want to see this, though, all of you!" the three birds said from above. "It's an
airship! Looks like it has the same insignia as the other things, too. Should we check it
out?" Mew asked.
Part 2
My name is Mew, and you know the story. The group of us are in the Negaverse to stop the evil that is plaguing this place. Enough of that, let's get on with the stuff and our adventures that I'm telling.
"Let's go for that airship!" I told the rest of our group. "Houou, Lugia, Zapdos, Moltres, Articuno, Mewtwo, and I can all fly, so the three of you have to hitch a ride." I told to Raikou, Suikun, and Entei. "Let's get on our respective birds for now." Raikou suggested. "Ok, let's go!" Suikun said. As we boarded the airship, an alarm went off and a few guards ran down the halls at us. "Again? Jeez, these guys never learn. Son, you can do this yourself. Send out a Psychic." I told my son, Mewtwo. "Can do, Mom! One Psy surprise coming up!" he replied. The few guards that were coming for us flew back into the wall and were knocked out.
"Good job, my son. Now let's try and bring down this blimp!" I said. As we were walking through the halls, we tripped another alarm. "I hate this place, too many alarms!" Suikun said. A swarm of the guys with NVR uniforms came out of the halls in front of us. "We'll handle this one, guys. Stand back." Suikun, Entei, and Raikou said. "Tri-Element attack!" Entei bellowed, but then Lugia told him, "We're in a blimp! Helium all around us! Use anything but Water or Psychic and you can say good-bye to us! And since I'm Water/Psychic " Lugia took over and sent out a Disable attack. "And that takes care of that." "Hey, look, one of the guards dropped something!" Houou said.
"Looks like some kind of archaic writing!" Articuno said. "We'll take a look at that later, look who's in front of us!" I exclaimed. "It's some guy we don't know!" Suikun said. Always the comedian. "Fools! Imbeciles! Idiots! I am Myuu Jyuu Jyuu Jyuu! Ruler of the Negaverse! And as ruler of the Negaverse, I know all and command all, for I am the ruler of the Negaverse, Myuu Jyuu Jyuu Jyuu!" the repeating, reiterating, talking over and over (now he's got ME doing it) Myuu Jyuu Jyuu Jyuu said evilly. "And being evil, I shall destroy you, for I am Myuu Jyuu Jyuu Jyuu, and as an evil person, I must do what all evil persons do, and that is destroy the good guys, who are you, as I am not good, I am evil, and I must destroy you because I am the evil Myuu Jyuu Jyuu Jyuu!" Meanwhile, we all just yawned as Raikou asked him, "Was that trip really necessary?"
"You cannot defeat me! I am undefeatable! And furthermore, you can't harm me in any way, for I am invincible!" That annoying weirdo went on and on and on, until Entei swung a paw at him and yelled, "SHUT UP ALREADY!!!" Unfortunately, he missed, his claws punctured the airship, and it started falling out of the sky. "Quick, climb on us!" the Legendary Bird trio told the three dogs. "Okay, let's get out of here!" Lugia said. The last words we heard from Myuu Jyuu Jyuu Jyuu were, "You have not seen the last of me! Last of me you have not seen the! And furthermore, I will be back, for you have not seen the last of me! I aaammm nnnnnoooooottttttt fffffffiiiiiinnnnnn .." And that was all we heard.
Part 3
Hi, I'm Raikou, and you know the deal. We're trapped in the Negaverse, and gotta get rid of the evil, blah blah blah. Recently, we found this archaic writing that could be our biggest key. The evil's not gonna be Myuu Jyuu Jyuu Jyuu, the most annoying villain ever, since we got rid of him. We might be able to discover the evil in this, we might not. You never know.
"The airship was a fluke, but we got rid of a possible evil. Where next?" Suikun inquired. "That weird whirlpool looks like a good place." Mew responded. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, back up, Mew. Water and fire do NOT mix. We're not going anywhere near there." Moltres, Houou, and Entei each objected. "Guys, I can make protective bubbles for all of you. You won't have to worry about water." Lugia settled. "Now let's head for that water! I'll use Ice Beam to the edge to get there quicker." Articuno suggested. The beam flew out and we all got on. "Whoo-hoo! Surf's up!" I shouted giddily. There's one thing I know about life: Don't take it too seriously. The others don't know that.
"Raikou, what are you doing?" Mewtwo couldn't help but laugh when he saw me on my back paws in a surfing pose. I laughed with him, but stopped and just slid to the edge. When we all reached the edge, Lugia dove in and huge bubbles floated up. "Jump on them, you'll be fine!" Lugia called from the water. "Are you sure?" Entei asked. "Was Myuu Jyuu Jyuu Jyuu annoying?" Lugia told him. "I guess it's safe." Zapdos said as he alighted on one and entered it.
When we were all underwater with Lugia leading the way, we 'swam' towards the whirlpool. When we got close enough, the current caught us all and when we came to, we were inside an underwater lab. Hooked up to electrodes. Being watched be technicians and scientists. And a really fat guy. "Oh no, we're being held hostage by Drew Carey!" Entei exclaimed. Only then did I come to and look around. Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mew, and Mewtwo weren't with us!
Part Four
"Huh, what? Where am I" I said, groggily, as I woke up on a cold steel table. I looked around and saw Zapdos, Moltres, Mew, and Mewtwo strapped to identical tables. "Son, are you OK?" Mew said to Mewtwo with a worried tone in her voice. "Uhh...I'm all right, I'm just really weak." Mewtwo responded. "Eesh, you look it, Mewtwo. You sure you're OK?" Moltres said. "I'm going to try a Recover. If it doesn't work, then my powers must've been drained." A faint glow surrounded Mewtwo as he appeared to be growing stronger. "Yeah, it's working, and I think I can break out of these straps now. Any of you feel weaker that usual?" Mewtwo said. "Son! That wasn't nice!" Mew snapped. "We're fine. Do we still have that archaic writing?" I asked. "Right here! I think..." Moltres said as he searched through his flames. "Great idea, bird-brain. Putting paper into fire." Zapdos exclaimed. "Hey, I can cool down my flames, remember? Ash isn't ash right now, is he? I've got it!" "Good thing I know archaic writing. Let's see, this is this, then there's that, and..." Zapdos muttered, then let us see the new partially translated paper. Here's what it looked like:
"We really should think about getting out of here, you know." Mew reminded us. "I tried earlier, door's shut tight." Moltres stated. "Good thing I know Strength!" Mewtwo gloated. "Quiet, you. Just open the door." I told him. Seconds later we broke out and were running through the halls. We tripped an alarm ("Another?" Suikun later said) and more guards came down the stairs to us. "Mom, you can take care of them." Mewtwo said, seeing that his gloating wouldn't get him anywhere. She soon took care of them. We came to a three way fork and we all groaned. "Can't this place have signs like normal evil hideouts?" I complained. "So NOW which way? Left, right, or straight?" Mew asked.
PPM's continuation
Part Five
Hey, Im Zapdos, the legendary bird of lightning. All of us; Entei, Suicune, Raikou, Ho-oh, Lugia, Mew, Mewtwo, Articuno, Moltres, and I; have been sent to this place, the Negaverse, to destroy the evil plaguing it. So far, weve gotten nowhere fast, except for that piece of parchment we just recently discovered and partially decoded. We think thats the key to finding the evil. Anyway, Articuno, Moltres, Mew, Mewtwo, and I are stuck in this lab and were trying to get out. So far its been fine, but theres a three-way fork here. Where to go?
You know what I think? I think we should vote on it. Articuno was referring to the fork. Typical diplomatic Articuno. How about no? I can see through these tunnels psychically. Mewtwo suggested. A mysterious voice from behind us commented, How about into the drink? Ha ha ha ha! He pulled a lever and a hatch opened up underneath him. Crud! the fat guy exclaimed as he was sucked into a raging whirlpool.
THAT was an evil? How pathetic do they get? First Myuu Jyuu Jyuu Jyuu and now an absentminded fat guy? Ha! Mew laughed as we ran through the tunnel on the right. It was Moltres who finally decided for us. He threatened to third-degree burn us. Okay, so we decided, now what? I asked. Look at these markings odd, they look just like things on our scroll. Maybe its a translation! Mew said, puzzled. Let me take it out here we go! Lesse, this is that, and heres there, okay, Ive got it! Moltres showed us the new paper:
So, where now? I asked, frustrated. Well, well, well if it isnt our friends the cats and the birds! Long time no see guys! Entei greeted us cheerfully. We found a couple of new placed, plus theres that building we havent checked out yet. Where to, the building, back to the jungle, or should we stay here? Ho-oh inquired.
Mewtwo replied "Ew...toughie!" How...where is everyone?!?!? Mew said "I don't know." I guess we'll...[the place exploded revealing a crystal core that Mewtwo and Mew jumped into.] They were in a battle Mew v.s. all the Gold and Siver, Mewtwo with the originals! Mewtwo Psybeamed a hole in Drowzee's pot belly! Mew just submissioned Annon into a Brooklyn pretzel. Both Porygons are virusing while a pack of evil Onix are rockin' the psy great's world. Then...out of the mist...came a crimson glow so harsh yet comforting that when it made a minor explosion a Dragonite vomited the crimson dust and was having his wings slayed. What came out of this dust was:
"It looks like a mess" Mew said. Mewtwo didn't want to insult him, so he just Fire Blasted the possessed Serebii. All the Pokemon stopped and a tournament started: 3 Pokemon per genetic miracle. Mew's first challenge: Jolteon! Mew uses psychic! Jolteon falls back, wobbles around like jelly, uses pin missle that kicks! Mew is recovering! Jolteon is getting whizzed off! He uses Thunder Wave! Ehh...Paralyze! Mew Mega Punches! KO! Bakuufun go! Mew uses Metronome! Hydro Dump! Bakuufun feels sick...keels over..yuck! Bakuufun is turning a red and angurish gold! Atomic Boom! Mew is psycicing out! He's break-dancing like 196...forget it! GO Porygon2! An elegant creature, tri-attacker! Mew is black & blue all over! He uses Hyper Beam and smacks the poo out of Pory..ting...! it's Mewtwo's turn!
Alakazam go!
Mewtwo withdraws his head!
Alakazam tries a thunderbolt, and believe me, this is like throwing a slab of meat to a bear!
Mewtwo smashes the spoon from Alakazam!
Go Mirikitabu! You da cow!
Ms. Feminine uses milk gun?
Mewtwo is healed?
Mewtwo uses low kick..eww..uncalled for! Bad boy!
Go Dragonite!
Dragonite Hyper Beam's Mewtwo..and Mewtwo got the wind knocked out of him! Drag with his rage..pow house!
Mewtwo bounced 100 feet off the ground and let's out a Blizzard and KO!
Mewthree oddly didn't challenge and a figure came out, I guess they ruled this gang:
Pokeball go...I'm ash from pallette. Brock, girl hot...must get date for 100th prom without one [I talked to gym bleacher and punch bowl...!
Brock thinks Mew is hot, he lunges at an unexpected Mew.
Mewtwo said "Don't touch mom," Mewtwo uses Psychic to tighten Brock's tighty-whities up from a size 36 to a size 12. The rest of that situation was so gruesome, stomach leeching, and vomitful that I don't think even I would laugh at the 'incident.'
Ash started to cry those mystical 2 cent tears from THE POKEMON MOVIE. Suddenly, the evil Pokechus are goring Mew and Two. Then; Entei, Raikou, Suiken, Luiga, Hohou, and the three mystical birds showed up and kicked some Ketchup out of Ashes.
Gengar's Ghetto
In a galaxy of our own, a time far long in the cradle of itself, there were Pokemon. These Pokemon started to grow more intelligent by the second. They were evolving into stronger Pokemon every once in a while. They were acting as they were humans. Soon enough, Poekmon had major exports, cities, and trades. When the NY stuff came, however, lone Pokemon became to do evil work and practices. With that initiative came areas. The Poke-blackout ages lead to armaggedon. In the 1950's...there came a Pokemon, a Gengar. Known by his instinct to be a criminal, this Gengar had a soft heart and a strong mind. His past is colder than the winter of 1949, but now he became a detective to revenge the deadly sins he caused. There has been controversy between the good and bad, so Gengar has now joined a band of agents out to fix the gates of heaven and bring justice to all. He has thrown away his office for a life on the road. He has now been known as Gar12, a justicemon on the verge of his ghetto.
: I was sitting in my office, waiting for my apprentice HaunterD to come in with the goods on what Joker Mr. Mime dilly yo was on. Anyone in purple and white spandex who manipulates people is a menace to society.
Suddenly I heard Widow Chansey bust the door down and weep saying HaunterD was being held hostage for 40 million dollars, just scarcely enough to pruchase a completely set nuclear bomb! I saw Joker Mime's angle, and now I found it was time to take matters into my own hands.
I asked around town seeing who would igve me a lead. I finally saw Miser Machamp counting his muscles and eating refried beans. I went into the room and almost died...It stunk! I asked Machamp for clues but all he did was grunt and attempt to Mega Punch me. Luckily I'm a ghost type. Now I had jack evidence and no leads. I'd figure I'd get a Kaulau at the 'Casba el Marina'. I sat down and heard a familiar bartender. It was Slim Tentacruel. I asked him for evidence. He said Joker Mime's ally Lone Marowak had a hideout at Misty Mansion. I went first to Widow Chansey's home, and took her with me, figuring she'd like to see her jewels [HaunterD was courteous enough to fetch them from the bank when he was kidnapped.]
I was at Misty Mansion, checking upstairs for clues when I fell through a loose floorboard, exploding dust into the oblivion fearing seeing the devil's eye.
The last from that instant where the hair on the back of my neck shrilled I remember seeing a cold marroon bone. I woke up with hell-excruciating pain, only to find my left arm dormant and Monroe Mc Marowak using my bone as his own. To make matters worse, I was tied to an ironing board by barbed wire. I felt like I had suffered lime-disease. I couldn't even smile when Marowak accidentaly bonemerang'd the wire. I was in fighting fury, but scorched with mortal wounds.
The battle begun, as GengarMach7 launched himself all over the room. Marowak was now confused since his vision is straight-forward because of his mask. Gengar used his strength to knock Marowak back a notch, then comboed with Mega Drain. Marowak was now desperate, so he reached his most degrading status ever, by removing his mask. That glare paralyzed Gengar, enabling Marowak a sheer victory, until...Haunter busted out of the closet. Haunter Psykicked Marowak into a brutal KO!
Well, we found widow Chansey, but what now...Haunter and I were...stalked by Mr. Joker Mime! He was holding 2 Master Balls right at us...
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