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The Crystal Tower


Quote of the Day
Signs, signs, everywhere a sign, bustin up the scenery, breakin my mind...

Current Events in the Tower

The Tower's looking for new staff members! Sign up!

At last! A PA! card and something for Pure that I made...

Saturday, January 27th, 2001 18:35 EST
Update 2: Switched back to old QotD format;. Organized the fake cards. PPM out.
Update 1: On the mouse is where I'm putting the quote now. Today's is something from a favorite song of mine, Signs by Five Man Electric Band. Actually, I finally updated the Fake Cards page. No walkthrough, but maybe next update. If you could tell, I was on the verge of updating on Tuesday night, but I had to go to bed and only got the Quote and stuff done. PPM out.
Update by PPM

Friday, January 19th, 2001 18:21 EST
Look at yer mouse. Assuming you have one. There's the new layout change. Removed the spotlight script. No walkthrough today, since it's Purity's birthday and I didn't have time to type any of it. Who's Purity, you ask? You naive fool...just click here. PPM out. Update by PPM

Thursday, January 18th, 2001 20:06 EST
Hey, the G/S Walkthrough will FINALLY be updated tomorrow! The Nick15 server was going haywire, so I had to move all the backgrounds to Angelfire. In the meantime, the banner is not going to be seen for a while. Anyway, the new layout change should be at the bottom of the screen...PPM out. Update by PPM

Wednesday, January 17th, 2001 19:03 EST

Update 2: Well, the entire site has the new layout now. I had to do homework and left the site for about an hour and a half. Also, the Adoption Center is gone. PPM out.
Update 1: Only 6 updates in the new year. Hmm. I need some more people here. Updated the Staff Application page and the splash image. I found a new option in Photoshop that changes the saturation of images. I look so cool, don't I? I also added the new background to all the pages of the site. So be happy. PPM out.
Update by PPM
Tuesday, January 16th, 2001 20:03 EST
Sorry for neglecting the site for so long. I've had a ton of school stuff to do. Now, important text will be all glowy like you see above the banner. That's one of the new layout changes. To make up for neglecting the site for so long, I now have a new background. Also, due to lack of activity, GengarMach7 and Masei have been laid off from the Crystal Tower. I plan to change the splash image within 5 days to correspond with the changes. Also, I've made numerous changes to the text color and junk. I also, without meaning to, abolished the top bar on each update which I think makes the site look better. Also updated the links at the bottom. PPM out. Finally. Update by PPM

Game Shark Codes
Staff Applications
The Flame Chronicles
Fan Stuff
Fake Pokedex
Button Making
Deck Doctor

This site has had

as of December 10, 1999, when I fixed my dang counter!
Reached 1000 hits on April 2nd, 2000!
Reached 2000 hits on July 7th, 2000!
Reached 3000 hits on December 30th, 2000!

This site is in no way affiliated with Nintendo, Gamefreak, or Creatures Inc. Pokèmon and all related subjects are copyright Nintendo, Gamefreak and Creatures Inc.

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