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El Cazador


Bill (El Cazador) and Patti Gilson served in Mexico as church planters in the southren State of Chiapas, near the Guatemalan border, in the city of San Cristobal de Las Casas.   It was here that the Zapatista Revolution transpired shortly after they left Mexico.  They claim no responsibility.  After returning to their home State of Oregon in 1988, they co-founded a mission organization known as OLE (Oregon Latin-American Evangelism), now known as Outreach to Latin-Americans.

Bill and Patti have studied in various areas, and Graduated from Prairie Bible Institute in Alberta, Canada, and Rio Grande Bible Institute/Language School, in Edinburg, Tex.   Bill also has studied ESL at William Carey Univ. and has taught both ESL and Spanish classes, as well as serving as interpreter/translator for hospitals, school districts, and on behalf of many Hispanic friends and brothers.  He currently serves as director of OLE and is presently working as an interim pastor in one of the churches planted by OLE.  There have been eight Spanish church plants started since 1988.   Bill grew up in a "hunting family" and cut his hunting-teeth on the wily blacktail deer.

These days, a handgun most always is found close at hand, especially during hunting season.  Leverguns are another passion, as time and finances allow.  Patti and Bill met in kindergarten, were married in 1972, and have four children, ages 12 to 24.   All but the youngest are bi-lingual.  They currently reside near Oregon's Capitol City, near the Cascade Mountains where spare moments are often spent.  You can contact Bill and Patti at:

Blessings to all.