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(Taken from TV HITS Magazine)


- How do you feel about being labelled a hunk?

I'm not a teen idol and I don't want to be ones of those guys...trying to make hearts throb. That's not me. I mean, it's sweet, I guess. Though, I did do this photo shoot in Japan where I was all in leather and I enjoyed doing it. But then, when I thought about it, I was sick!

- Is it hard to keep your feet on the ground?

Coming from pretty much nothing to all this, it's kinda hard not to let it go to my head. I remind myself everyday that I'm not anyone, basically. I don't consider myself famous or any better than anybody else.

- Is it difficult for you to make friends?
It's kind of hard for me to trust people, because most everybody I've trusted pretty much gave me the short end of the stick. I've a lot of friends, but very few that really cared about me. Most of my friends were always older than me and got me into mischief. I don't see my mum much. She's remarried. But I trust my father and grandmother. They're always going to be pro-Brad!

- What's it like living with your grandmother?
My grandmother pretty much tried to keep my head on, or my hat straight. She knows me and she knows that I like have the experience of locking the door and throwing away the key. She'll let me lock the door, but she makes sure she holds the key.

- Do you like living in Knoxville?
If it comes to the point where I have to live Los Angeles to - God forbid - get work, well then I might move out to Hollywood or somewhere.

- Do you always want to be an actor?

No, I wanted to be the world's greatest guitar player like Jimmy Page (Brad's hero from ancient rock band Led Zeppelin) but I've always been an actor. Everyday in school I'd act like I was sick. Sometimes I could even make myself cry!

-You have an image of a depressed loner....

I guess I provoked my image, but you know, when I was in the kindergarten, I had this problem where I had to take Ritalin (a drug for hyperactivity and attention disorders) and so I didn't help myself. A five-year-old child not knowing what's going on, you know and having all these, like, secrets and so I ended up just really cooped-up, closed up.

- What's been your favorite role?

My character in The Client, Mark Sway. He is actually very vulnerable and naive. He's not as bad s he comes off to be. Nobody in the whole world is really actually tough! I spent the whole time on the set of that movie pinching myself going, "Is this really happening to me?!"

- Was it intimidating for you?

Tommy Lee Jones and Susan Sarandon would be talkin' and I'd go over and certainly break the ice and make them wish that I'd never been born! Like, say, for instance if they were talkin' about David Bowie, I would say "Yeah, Me and David Bowie go way back. Yeah, we were hangin' out with Mick Jagger in the '60s."

- Did you learn a lot during the shoot for The Cure?

Both of the guys, Peter (Horton, the director) and Joey (Mazzello, his co-star) make me look good. Here I come sort of - well, not sort of - really inexperienced, didn't know much what I was doing. And both of these guys are so professional they make me look good.

- What was JTT like during Tom and Huck?

You hear so much about young sitcom actors, that they're spoiled brats and have these wicked stage mum managers. He turned out to be real down-to-earth.

- Do you like being compared to actors like RIVER PHOENIX?

I'm really flattered. I also get the James Dean thing which is cool 'cause he's my idol. I identify with the shy-but-dangerous side.

-What did you think of your Sleepers co-star Brad Pitt?

I really admire him especially the way he deals with fame. He doesn't let anyone come between him and his girlfriend and in this business that's really cool.