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The PeyGroup Newsletter

If you would like to receive a free monthly newsletter by e-mail about Peyronie's Disease and input from members of the PeyGroup, contact the editor of the PeyGroup Newsletter at the address below. PeyGroup is not an official part of this webpage.

If you do not currently have e-mail, you can get free web-based e-mail (that means you don't have to have your own computer to get e-mail) by clicking here .

The Bent Penis Page now has a new feature! You can now send Instant Messages to people who have consented to posting their screen name on our data base. These people are willing to accept Instant Messages from those who wish to talk about Peyronie's Disease and/or curvature of the penis. Please consider submitting your name to the list. Let's help each other out and be a support for one another!
To view the database of people who are willing to accept instant messages, find out how you can get AOL Instant Messenger, or learn how you can submit your screen name to the list, just click here .
