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Due to the policy of this homepage server, it is not possible to post images of nudity. However, if you agree to the terms below, you may send an e-mail request of a web address where you may view photos of penile curvature.

Our purpose is not to provide pornography for others, but to provide INFORMATION for those who suffer with Peyronie's Disease. If you want pornography, please go elsewhere. The internet has quite an abundant supply.

One other VERY important item: DO NOT view these pictures while in the workplace! Doing so may legally constitute sexual harrasment and could JEOPORDIZE YOUR EMPLOYMENT. Please view the pictures in your home or other private location. For more information on this subject CLICK HERE

Making The Request

By sending a request for addresses of these pictures you are saying that:

1. You are over 18.

2. You are not viewing these pictures for a pornographic purpose, but for your own personal MEDICAL RESEARCH only.

3. You take personal responsibility if you decide to view these pictures in your workplace.
