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The Sex Life

This page contains some of the e-mail that I have posted with your permission, selected posts from the Message Board, or from the PeyGroup.

One respondant states... While I do not think that I have a clinical case of Peyroine's, my penis curves upward at a slight angle. I've never had a trauma of the penis, nor are my erections painful at all. I've had this curve all my life and have always thought that it was as a result of the tightness of my penile suspensatory ligaments. However, perhaps I am mistaken. It has never caused me any discomfort nor rejection by a sexual partner, but you have peaked my interest in knowing more about this condition. I once knew a very nice man whose penis was "L" shaped when erect. It bent severely to the left in almost a 90 degree angle. It troubled him greatly,

This is from an article in MSNBC News:

I’ve been endowed with a penis shaped roughly like a banana. Though I haven’t pulled out my protractor, I’d guess that, in full glory, it deviates down toward the ground about 30-45 degrees from base to tip. Exacerbated by fairly substantial dimensions and a stone-hard resistance to bending, some women I’ve slept with have found certain positions painful or impossible, though a few liked what the novelty did for them. Most women became accustomed to it. My present girlfriend, however, hasn’t. She finds the necessary restrictions on positions and angles a serious detriment to intimacy. I’m at a loss.
— Going Bananas

I forwarded your letter to Dr. James H. Barada, a urologist at the Center for Male Sexual Health in Albany, N.Y., and assistant professor of surgery at Albany Medical College.

“Curvature of the penis can be either congenital or acquired,” he says. In the former case, you’re born with “erectile chambers which develop in unequal proportions, either laterally or top to bottom.” The latter condition is called Peyronie’s disease, and its actual cause is unknown — although Barada says, “It seems related to microtrauma associated with sex.” (Read: “rough riding.”) With both types of curvatures, “the elastic, erectile tissues are replaced with fibrous tissue, which doesn’t stretch adequately,” Barada explains, and erections can become quite painful. The good doctor assumes, since you indicate no pain on your part, and your banana shape wasn’t recently sprung upon you, that your dangerous curves are congenital.

Barada claims that, without treatment, a third of guys with bent penises get better over time, a third remain the same and a third worsen. You don’t sound like you’re improving. You can try injections with dissolving agents, but, Barada notes, they don’t always work. Surgery will most effectively straighten you out, he says. It’s not a difficult procedure, and you’ll need only four to six weeks to recover before trying out your new, improved member.

Because we’re talking about slicing into your penis here, there’s ‘a small chance’ of scar tissue and decreased sensitivity.

With surgery, there’s “a small chance” of scar tissue and decreased sensitivity. Also, since the surgery entails taking some tucks in the erectile tissue to level the playing field of your penis, “if you curve a lot, there may be some apparent penile shortening.” Wait, come back! I know that’s not what you want to hear. Let Barada reassure you: “If you take the arc of the curve into consideration, you’ll have the same functional length.” (In other words, assuming you’re 6 inches erect right now, you’re not a full, extended 6 inches anyway, so the shortened length will probably enter your partner just as deeply.) Besides, women don’t flee in fright from your bent penis — so why would they blink at a slightly shorter one, which is far more common?


Of course, you can always keep your idiosyncratic penis and just find partners who don’t, as your current lady friend does, find it painful or mind limiting their repertoire of positions to those that minimize that pain. (Variety may not always be an option with a straight penis, either: Some people find certain positions uncomfortable regardless of the shape or size of their partners’ penises.)

An e-mail I received:
Its pretty bad, not quite that bad when I am lying down, but when I'm standing up it seems pretty severe. It seriously affects my sexlife, I'm scared sh**less to drop my pants because of it. If it turns me off I can only imagine what it'd do to some girl. It bends in the middle at about a 30 degree or so angle. I was considering surgery, but I doubt my hmo would pay for it. I've read that it costs over $5,000 to get the problem corrected. If it gets worse though it may be justifiable.

Another e-mail I received:
My concern with my bent penis has never been to do with pain or discomfort, rather with simple aesthetics. It always made me feel odd, like I wasn't quite normal or something. With time, I have on the whole accepted it and I don't worry about it as much as before, and I realize there are more men who have this condition then I previously thought. However, if it can be improved, I'm for it as well. As it is not painful, I am nowadays inclined to look at it with more humour, and it has never seemed to bother any sexual partner that I have had, so I figure it's not the end of the world.
