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Hint: Missingno Pokemon:
The U.S. version of the game contains the following glitch Pokemon, which is obtained by using these steps. Go to Cinnabar Island. Enter into the building where the man makes Pokemon out of fossils. Enter the first room in the building with people that want to trade Pokemon. Trade with one of these people; it does not matter which one. Go back outside and move to the far right side of the building. Then, surf up and down the side of the island while half on land and half in the water. Keep surfing until challenged by a glitch that resembles a microchip or barcode. He is part bird and part water type and starts on level 80. Note: Obtaining Missingno can keep the game from continuing correctly, including preventing linked battles, and other bad effects. It is recommended that Missingno be released unless you are just experimenting with the game.
Hint: Pokemon "M":
Go to Viridian City and talk to the old man. When he asks if you are in a hurry, answer "No". After he explains how to catch a Weedle, fly to Cinnabar Island. Surf on the side of Cinnabar that faces the Seafoam Islands to find the Pokemon "M". Note: Obtaining M can keep the game from continuing correctly, including preventing linked battles, and other bad effects. It is recommended that M be released unless you are just experimenting with the game.

Hint: Unlimited items:
Find the Missingno Pokemon and defeat him. A design will appear in your sixth item. Deposit your sixth item individually until it totals 99. Then you can divide the items by fifty. If a no more room message appears, just withdraw an item and keep depositing the sixth item. Check the CPU when this is complete to find two groups of 99 of the same item. Note: Obtaining Missingno can keep the game from continuing correctly, including preventing linked battles, and other bad effects. It is recommended that Missingno be released unless you are just experimenting with the game.

To get 99 of any item, first put the item to be multiplied in the sixth slot. Now use FLY and go to Viridian City. Talk to the old man almost all the way north of the town. When he asks if you are in a hurry, say no and watch him catch a weedle. After that, fly to Fuchsia city. Make your way south and, when you reach the water's edge, use SURF and go to Seafoam Island. After arriving, swim up and down the beach until you run into a Pokemon called "M" (a glitch like Missingno). Once you see him, kill him or run away -- do not catch him! After that, you should have 99 of your 6th item! Note: You can do this code as many times as you want and you can catch "M" anothetime. Additionally, instead of "M" a level 128 Starmie (Red Version) or Snorlax (Blue Version) may appear. Note: Obtaining "M" can keep the game from continuing correctly, including preventing linked battles, and other bad effects. It is recommended that Missingno be released unless you are just experimenting with the game.

For unlimited money, place a gold nugget in the sixth item slot and get ninety-nine of them. Sell all except one to increase your money. Use the remaining gold nugget to repeat this procedure.

Use the unlimited item trick with "RareCandy". Once duplicated, use the "Rare Candys" on all your Pokemon that are at very low levels to quickly increase them. Note: The highest level possible is 100.

Hint: Old man on roof:
Step to the right of the door at the gym where you get the Volcano Badge. You should be on the edge of the water. Use Lapras to surf out into the water. Then, come back in and go to the door. The game will say that the door is locked. Look on the roof to find an old man.

Hint: Easy experience:
An easy way to earn experience for a weaker Pokemon is to put your lowest-level Pokemon at the top of your list. When a fight begins, it will be the first Pokemon released. Instead of fighting, just switch to a stronger Pokemon. The weaker Pokemon will share the experience from the battle without being put in any danger. This is a good way to make your Pokemon gain experience evenly.

Hint: Winning money in Celadon City:
Enter Celadon City and get the coin case from the man in the back of the diner. Go to the slots and ask for some free coins. You will use these to play the slots and win Pokemon prizes. Here is how to find the slot machine that pays out the most. When you walk in, there are rows of slots. Find the man to the far left that says "wins come and go". Below him is a machine that is out of order. Play the machine directly beneath it. Do not get frustrated if you do not win constantly. If it stops paying out a lot, leave, go train your Pokemon, and come back later. Note: This trick works more often in the "Blue" version of the game.

Also try walking around Celadon's Game Corner and repeatedly press A to find coins that people have dropped

Hint: Teleport:
An Abra is hard to catch, but it is worth it. When your Pokemon are weak and you need to get to a Pokécenter quickly, press Start and choose Pokemon. A list of your Pokemon will appear. If you have Abra with you, choose him and select teleport. Note: You have to be outside first; use an escape rope if needed. It will take you directly to the last Pokemon Center visited.

Hint: Clone Pokemon:
Note: This trick requires another Game Boy and Pokemon game. Trade the Pokemon to be cloned, and have the other player get a Pokemon that he or she does not care about. Trade them, and make sure the player receiving the bad Pokemon can see the other player's screen. When the Game Boy that receives the good Pokemon's displays "Waiting", get ready to shut the other Game Boy off. When the "Waiting" message disappears, turn off the Game Boy that is receiving the bad Pokemon. When the "Trade completed" message appears, turn off the remaining Game Boy. Both games will have the same good Pokemon when they are turned back on. Note: Do not attempt this trick with any saved games you wish to keep, as it can corrupt those files if done incorrectly.

Hint: Other ways to get to a Pokécenter:
Besides teleporting, the following methods may also be used to get to a Pokécenter. Use Dig when in a cave; Fly (HM05 that lets you fly to any desired town; Also try Softboiled that you can only teach Chansey. It takes some of Chansey's health to give to another Pokémon, and also restores Chansey's health by half during a battle. Flash, used to light up Rock Tunnel and make an opponent's accuracy fall. Cut used to cut certain bushes and is used like Scratch in battle. Surf, which lets you surf across any body of water and is used like the Hydro-Pump in battle.

Hint: Keep earning money:
Here is a great way to keep getting money even after beating all the trainers in the game. Keep betting the Pokemon league 4 and your rival repeatedly. You can beat them an unlimited number of times. This is also a useful to build levels quickly.

Hint: Fight Safari Pokemon elsewhere:
This trick allows you to fight Pokemon from one area of the game in another area. For example, go to the Safari zone and battle for a while. Fight a Taures, then leave the Safari zone. Then, go to the island where Articuno is found. Swim up and down the shore, at the point where it appears that you are on the ground, but are actually swimming in the water. Monsters from the Safari zone will appear here.

Hint: Unlimited chances to catch rare Pokemon:
First ,find a rare Pokemon such as a Mewtwo. Then, immediately before entering a battle with it, save the game. Now you can battle the Pokemon without worrying about not catching it. If you make a mistake and make it faint, stop and shut off the game. Then, turn on the game and use the continue option to restart just before the battle.

Hint: Unlimited time for Safari Zone (Water Pokemon only):
This trick allows an unlimited amount of time in the Safari zone to catch Water Pokemon. Obtain a good or super rod. Next, go to the Safari zone and find some water. Then, go into inventory and use the rod to start fishing. If a "Not even a nibble" message appears, press A, then quickly press Start. If you got into a fight, check the Pokemon out. If it is one you do not have, catch it then quickly press Start after the battle. Return to the inventory and fish again. If you already have this Pokemon, run from it, then quickly press Start and begin fishing again. This will help you catch some good Water Pokemon with plenty of time.

Hint: Quick Safari Zone captures:
Go to the Safari Zone and use up your time in the different areas. Once the PA removes you from the hunt, fly to Cinnabar Island and surf half on land and in the water on the side facing Seafoam Island. In a short amount of time, you will be able to capture all of the Pokemon from Safari Zone.

Hint: Fish forever:
In the Safari Zone, the 500 units that are allocated when entering are based on number of steps, not time, spent. You can fish forever in the park if you go to water and not move the entire time that you are fishing.

Hint: Better chance to capture Pokemon:
When you throw a Poke-ball hold A as it closes on the Pokemon. The Poke-ball will shut tighter, making it easier to catch the Pokemon.

When using any kind of Poke-ball (except the Master Ball), enter a battle and prepare to throw it at a Pokemon. As soon as it appears, hold Up + B. The Ball will become a Master Ball and catch the Pokemon. Note: This trick requires precise timing.

Hint: Catch Pokemon at level 15:
Press Start, A, B (requires precise timing) to catch a Pokemon at level 15 with the Poke-ball.

Hint: Harder hitting attacks:
Hold A while attacking to do more damage.
Information in this section was contributed by Matt Golden.

Hint: Rare bird Pokemon locations:
Moltres (Victory Road), Articuno (Sea Foam Isle), Zapdos (Abandoned power plant).

Hint: Get all three beginning monsters at Professor Oak's lab:
Note: Another Game Boy with the game and a link cable are required for this trick. Transfer your Pokemon to the other Game Boy. Begin a new game on the original Game Boy and get a monster that was not collected in the first game and transfer it to the other Game Boy. Repeat this step again, then transfer the monsters back to the original Game Boy. This allows your game to have the three starting Pokemon (Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle) plus any others that were already captured.

Hint: Getting level 100 and over Pokemon:
Go to Viridian City and talk to the old man. When he asks if you are in a hurry, answer "No". After he explains how to catch a Weedle, fly to Cinnabar Island. Surf on the side of Cinnabar that faces the Seafoam Islands. In addition to the Missingno Pokemon, regular Pokemon over level100 will be encountered. Note: After any Pokemon over level 100 gains any experience points, it will drop to level 100.

You can raise the Pokemon with rare candies up to level 255. After that, they return to level 0. Note: The Pokemon available may vary from cartridge to cartridge.

Hint: Kangaskhan:
Go to Fuschia and surf until reaching Sea Foam Island. Surf up and down until M Pokemon appears. Catch it, nickname it, and use one rare candy on it to evolve it into Kangaskhan.

The following steps can also be used to easily get a Kangaskhan on the Red version of the game, and may also work in the Blue version. Talk to the old man in Viridian City. Reply "No" when he asks you the question. Watch him catch the Weedle. Fly to Cinnabar Island and surf to the east part of the island. Make sure you do not go on any grassy area. Keep surfing until a wild M' appears; it looks exactly like MissingNo. Capture him, then run from battle because it will act as if you did not catch him. He would always be at level 0. Then, give him a Rare Candy or make it at least gain a level. When he gains a level, he will start evolving.

Hint: Mewto:
To get Mewto, the rarest of all Pokemon (#150), defeat Pokemon League, and enter the cave in Cerulean city. Mewto is located deep within the cave.

Hint: Hitmonchan and Hitmochan (Game Boy emulators):
Save the game before you can choose those Pokemon. Select one and trade it to a friend. Then load and continue from the saved game, select the other choice and have your friend trade back the first selection. You should now have both Hitmonchan and Hitmochan.

All Pokemon (Game Boy emulators):
Have any Pokémon saved game inside the "battery" folder (e.g. PokeRed.sav). Rename the saved file to the opposite version (e.g. PokeBlue.sav). Run the emulator and catch all the blue version Pokemon. Rename the saved file to the original name (e.g. PokeRed.sav). You should now have the Pokemon from the other version of the game.

Hint: Chrona Myuu (Japanese version):
Myuu can evolve into Chrona Myuu. Go to the Seafoam Islands and use the Itemfinder to locate the Mist Stone. There is only one, and is very difficult to find.
Information in this section was contributed by Shorty.

Hint: Getting Mew (Japanese version):
Collect all 150 Pokemon. There is a man in Celadon city in the building where Eevee was found that gives you a very special Pokemon. He is located by taking the path that leads behind the buildings at the farthest north point of the city. There will be a secret door in the building that is off set from the row. Climb the stairs to find a group of people working on computers, when the building is entered from the front. Talk to the man that is not working on a computer to collect Mew.

Go to Shion Town and change your Koiking's nickname to "Mew". Highlight the thirteenth tool on the tool screen and press Select(8). Attempt to change your Koiking's nickname again to any name. The monster will flash, but the name will remain the same. Mew will now be available.

Go to Cerulean Cave to catch Mew and Mewtwo.

All Pokemon (Japanese version):
Note: This code requires two Game Boys, a link cable, and the red and blue versions of the game. Begin game play and find your first monster. Locate the Charmanders field and capture one of them. Link both Game Boys and rapidly and repeatedly use the "Trade" option. All 150 monsters should now be available.

Raise your Pokemon to level 100 (Japanese version):
Go to the seventh item in "Tools" and press Select. Get into a fight, then press Select on the attack you dislike to change it. Note: The monster must have all four attack spaces filled. Win the fight. Your monster will become level 100 and will enter the next stage of its life, if available.