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Pokeball- Standard ball for catching pokemon

Great Ball-Catches better than pokeball but pokemon may still escape

Ultra Ball-Even better han great ball

Safari Ball-used at Safari Zone

Master Ball-best ball, has a 100% chance of nailing good. I have two of my own master balls.

Fire Stone-evolves the fire pokemon

Thunder Stone-evolves Pikachu

Water Stone-evolves some water Pokemon

Leaf Stone-evolves some grass Pokémon

Moon Stone-evolves Pokémon like Jigglypuff and Clefairy

Helix Fossil-gives you an extinct Pokémon when taken to the lab on Cinnabar Island

Dome Fossil-gives you an extinct Pokémon when taken to the lab on Cinnabar Island

Old Amber-gives you an extinct Pokémon when taken to the lab on Cinnabar Island

Antidote-heals poisoned Pokémon

Burn Heal-heals burned Pokémon

Ice Heal-thaws frozen Pokémon

Awakening-wakes up a sleeping Pokémon

Parlyz Heal-heals paralyzed Pokémon

Full Heal-heals: poisoned, burned, frozen, sleeping, and paralyzed Pokémon

Potion-restores hp

Super Potion-restores more hp

Max potion-restores all hp

Full Restore-heals every condition and restores all hp

Revive-revives fainted Pokémon and restores 50% of hp

Max Revive-revives fainted Pokémon and restores 100% hp

Rare Candy-a Pokémon will go up one level

Hp Up-hp will go up

Protein-attack increases

Iron-defense increases

Carbos-speed increases

Calcium-special increases

X Attack-attack increases in battle only

X Defend-defense increases in battle only

X Speed-speed increases in battle only

X Special-special increases during battle only

Guard Spec.-Enemy Pokémon can't use special attacks in battle

Dire Hit-attacks will be more effective in battle

X Accuracy-chance of hitting in battle increases

PP Up-PP level increases

Bicycle-Lets you move faster

Escape Rope-Pulls you out of a cave instantly

Repel-Weak Pokémon avoid you for a while

Super Repel-Works better than Repel

Max Repel-Works better than Super Repel

Pokédex-records Pokémon data

Town Map-Map of the world

TM-Teaches a Pokémon a move that is forgotten after one use

HM-Teaches a Pokémon a move that is never forgotten

Nugget-You can sell it for 3000 currency

Gold Teeth-Give to warden of Safari Zone

S.S. Ticket-Use to get on the S.S. Anne

Poké Doll-distracts enemy Pokémon

Silph Scope-you can identify ghost Pokémon with this

Poké Flute-wakes up sleeping Pokémon

Old Rod-fish with it

Good Rod-better than the Old Rod

Super Rod-better than the Good Rod

Itemfinder-finds items

Exp. All-Pokémon that didn't fight get experience points.

Coin-Use at the Game Corner in Celadon City

Coin Case-Store coins in it

Fresh Water-restores HP

Soda Pop-restores more HP than Fresh Water

Lemonade-restores more HP than Soda Pop