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For Ever After

Genealogy is so much more than just names and
places.Each family has a wonderful story to tell,
a story that grows with each generation.

"Remember always that all
of us are Descended
from Immigrants."
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt -

I have not verified all of the information on this site.
If you can add to or correct what I have posted,
Feel free to email me.


I will never knowingly invade a living persons privacy
by posting information about them without their consent.
I basically go by the 100 year rule. I try not to post
information about anyone born less than 100 years
ago.Unless I am sure they are no longer living.
If you have a question about someone born less
than 100 years ago,You can email me.


Please sign my Guest Book before you leave.
So that I will know you stopped by.


A great Genealogy research source.
I wish there were more sites like this!


   Join My Relatives    

Some of the special effects
on this site are courtesy of
Bells and whistles and

Are you putting loved ones at risk?

As far as I am aware, all of the MIDI File's on this site,
are Public Domain and are not subject to Copyright
Restrictions.If you find a file that is not public domain
Please let me know and I will remove it immediately.

prairiebreezes @

Midi " My Madison" is
used with permission
copyright © by Bruce DeBoer

CDs are available

Copyright © 2000 by Glenda
All Rights Reserved
Please do not use the graphics or
backgrounds from this site,without permission.