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About SEG web pages

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The Southern Electric Group Official Web Site is under construction by member Nick Lawford. Construction started only at the end of June 1998 with the Group currently assessing what information to publish on the web basically because we are still deciding how to go about it. Our first objective is to promote interest in the Group. Information in plain pages comes first. Images, graphics and frames may follow later once the basic data is in place. The Group has no connection to any of the other organisations referred to in these pages.

The Group is unable to answer rail travel enquiries nor is it our intention to provide timetables.

These web pages are currently tested with Netscape Communicator 4.61. Unless you have customised your browser settings, text page colours are black (000000) text on a light green (6EFFC4) background. The image gallery pages have a light grey (BFBFBF) background. Links are blue (0000FF) with followed links red (FF0000). Yellow (FFFF00) is used for highlighting including any recent changes. There are some links which lead away from the SEG site to other sites to bring in some images. Before doing this the site owners have been emailed but in some cases have not responded. If there are any difficulties arising from this please email to the address on the opening page.

As the Group is a non-profit making organisation we are obliged to take advantage of no cost web space. Please take some time and visit Angelfire Communications who are providing these pages free of charge.

Any services or items which may be advertised on the Southern Electric Groups' pages from time to time are purely fund raising activities directed at the restoration of our 4Cor unit 3142. The Group derives no commercial profit from either these or publication of Live Rail magazine.

In January 1999, a start has been made on both creating image files of Southern Electric scenes from the Groups archives and scanning backnumbers of Live Rail magazines for for certain articles. The results now may be seen in the Gallery and Library sections - and bot will continue to receive continual if slow additions.

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