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4Cor unit 3142

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3142 is a four car express electric multiple unit constructed in the 1930s by the former Southern Railway for use initially on the Portsmouth Direct line electrification. Designated 4Cor, meaning four coach corridored unit, 3142 was withdrawn from active service by the Southern Region of British Railways in 1972.

4Cor units consisted of two motor coaches flanking two intermediate trailers with the outer bogie of each motor coach carrying two axle hung traction motors. Each unit was gangwayed throughout with normal operation on fast trains with three sets in multiple. Various catering cars of Cor type stock have operated over the years - designated 4Res, 4Buf and 4Gri denoting Res-taurant, Buf-fet and Gri-ddle respectively.

The Group today has five Cor type vehicles in its care - three motor coaches and two trailers. Unit 3142, one of the last units to run in BR revenue earning service did not keep in its original formation for most of its working life. The as withdrawn 3142 represented how it ran in service for the majority of its service career but one coach became damaged after withdrawal and the Group purchased a substitute.

Motor coach 11201 and trailer third 10096 were orginally from the as built 3142. Motor coach 11161 came from 4Res unit 3065 and was reformed into 3142 as a means of overcoming war damages. Trailer composite 11825 from unit 3135 was purchased in preference to 3142s own damaged coach. The third motor coach is 11187 also from 3135. 11187 passed into the care of the Group in late 1998 with its future assured by the Brian Juniper Railway Preservation Trust.

3142 is currently being restored at the St.Leonards engineering depot site between Bexhill-on-Sea and Hastings on the south coast of England. In the longer term, it is hoped that one day 3142 may be restored to full working order and passed for railtour operation over Railtrack routes.

An image of 3142 in green shows the unit in BR service approaching Portsmouth & Southsea on a Waterloo express, 6th June 1970. Another image representing at least Cor type motor coaches shows temporary 4Pul unit 3054 in June 1965 leading a 6Pul unit near Wandsworth Common on a Victoria to Ore express.

In addition to the SEG unit 3142, several other Southern Electric multiple units and locomotives, and items of rolling stock of other top contact direct current third rail systems are preserved by various organisations.

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