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Bali - special island


Banks and government departments
Most banks and government departments are open Monday to Thursday from 08:00am until 3pm and Friday 08:00am until 12:00pm. With numerous money changers all over Bali, it is common to change money between 08:00am until 08:00pm. The unit of currency is the Indonesian Rupiah. Notes come in denominations of 100, 500, 1,000, 5,000, 10,000, 20,000 and 50,000 Rp. Coins are 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 and 500 Rupiah
ATM's in Bali

Alas Arum- Jl. Danau Tamblingan

Kuta KUTA Komp. Pertokoan KUTA Mall,
Jl. Legian No. 118,
Bangunan 35

KUTA Centre
Jl. Kartika Plaza Komp.
KUTA Centre Blok A7

Poppies Lane
Jl. Poppies Lane II (Palem Garden)

Pura Bagus
Jl. Pura Bagus Taruna
Dekat Jayakarta Hotel


Bandara Ngurah Rai Terminal
Kedatangan Bandara Ngurah Rai No.IT2/B77/ING

Dewi Sartika
Jl. Dewi Sartika No. 88

Dewi Sartika 2
Jl. Dewi Sartika No. 88

Gatot Subroto
Jl. Gatot Subroto No.123 X

Gunung Agung
Jl. Gunung Agung No.39 D

Tiara Dewata Shopping Centre
Jl. Mayjen Soetoyo

Ramayana Bali Mal
Jl. Diponegoro 103

Teuku Umar Jl. Teuku Umar No.147 C


Ubud Menara Ubud
Jl. Raya Ubud

The carefree attitude of the Balinese belies a strict code of conduct and morals. Some tips: Always remove your shoes when entering a private residence. The Left hand is assodated with toilet activities so give and receive with the right hand. It is rude to point and never, never pat anyone on the head. The head is considered to be the seat of the soul. I've also been told it is rude to blow your nose in public.


Departing Bali
Don't forget to keep money aside for departure tax. The current rate (1999) is 50,000 Rp per person. You must pay it like you have to do with any tax or you might have to extend your stay. Sometimes that sounds like a good idea. Flights should be confirmed 3 days before departure. Don't always trust your tour operator in Bali to do this. It did happen to us and the chaos it caused at the airport turned a molehill into a mountain. Some airport staff like the idea of having a little bit of authority. Luggage "can" be charged in excess of 20kgs, but rarely do they worry about charging you excessive rates. If they do, excess baggage can be expensive. I carry a little set of hook scales (the ones they use for weighing fish). They haven't let me down yet.

Dress Requirements
Entrance to a temple requires a sarong and sash, though long pants and sash suffice. Sarongs and sashes are always available at the temples. Nude bathing is not tolerated and is in fact illegal. Dress sensibly when dealing with banks, consulates, etc.

Once upon a time Bali was a haven for mind-altering substances. Not so now. The drug penalties are extremely harsh and Indonesian gaols are said to be hell! There is no distinction between small and large quantities, and importation and possession are treated the same. In fact, it is an offence not to inform the authorities of offenders.

Talking Crossing your arms over your chest or standing with your hands on your hips while talking, particularly in front of older people, is regarded as insulting. These are the traditional postures of defiance and anger in wayang theater.

Emotion Anger is not shown openly. Speaking out loud is offensive. In their efforts to make themselves understood, many Westerners speak with exaggerated slowness, raise their voices, or wave their arms about. To Balinese all these gestures may convey anger. The more important and stronger the feeling of the subject under discussion, the quieter a Balinese is likely to become.

Pointing The feet are considered the lowliest part of the body, and it is considered offensive to sit with the soles of your feet pointing at someone. It is also impolite to use your toes or the tip of your shoe for pointing like showing something that is on the ground.
Beckoning with a crooked index finger is rude. If you need to call to someone-e.g., a person or a taxi just extend your right hand and make a motion using the cupped fingers turned downward. You should never point with your forefinger; instead use your right thumb for pointing.
Touching You should never use the left hand to touch someone or to give and receive things. The left hand is considered to be unclean. If you should use your left hand, say "Ma'af" ("Excuse me"). When giving or receiving something from someone older, or in a high office or elevated status, extend your right arm (but not too far), bring your left arm across the front of your body, then touch your fingers to your right elbow. When passing in front of an elder or high-born person, or person of equal rank whom you don't know, bend your body slightly, particularly if that person is sitting. Avoid blowing your nose into a handkerchief (especially loudly). Make a point of asking a guest to eat or drink when food is served since he will wait until you verbally offer it by saying "Silahkan" ("Please"). Conversely, it's polite to wait until you are given permission before you eat or drink.

The voltage is 220 volts AC @ 50 cycles and the wall outlets house a two-pronged plug. (Click to see)
Many hotels hire adapters or these can be purchased from most duty-free stores.

Metric measurements are used for all weights and measures and distances are indicated in kilometres.

While not customary, tipping is gaining favour and if someone has provided a service it's appreciated. However, many hotels and restaurants add a 10% service charge, so there's no need to tip. Porterage at the afrport is usually about Rp1OOO per bag (and you thought they were just being helpful!).

In recent years, toilets and bathrooms throughout the south of Bali have been modernised to accommodate Western habits. Sooner or later, however, you may encounter indonesian~style bathrooms. The tub filled with water is not a bath. You stand next to the tub and pour water over yourseff with the pot. As for the toilets, there are still the floor-level, starting-block variety to be found in more remote parts. In these areas the locals are less indined to use toilet paper and the toilets are easily blocked. Use the pot to wash down the waste for the starting-block variety.

Generally, it is advisable to purchase film duty-free before arriving on the island. Slide and print film is easily purchased in the major centres, but check that the film has not been sitting in the sun. Camera batteries in Bali are suspect, so take spares. In Denpasar, Sanur, Kuta, Ubud and Singaraja there are one-hour developers. The prices are much cheaper than developing & printing back home and the quality is good. Some of the photos on this site were developed & printed in Bali in 1985 and were good enough to scan and add to this site in 1999. (see Kuta page)

For all police emergencies call 110 or contact your hotel. Denpasar. JI. Gunung Sanggiang, ph 110. Kuta. 11. Raya Kuta, ph 751 598.

Items under 10kg can be sent through the post office and can be registered and insured. Customs have to inspect so only wrap after inspection. Customs doses at 1pm so arrive early. Air cargo is charged by the kg. Bali Delta Express,'1. Kartini 58, Denpasar, ph 223 340; Bali International Cargo, JL Raya Sanur 2, Denpasar, ph 288 563; and Alpha Sigma, Ji. Raya Imam Bonjol 98, Denpasar, ph 227768 are all reputable and efficient

GMT + 8 hours. As Bali is close to the equator, daylight hours vary only slightly, generally 5am to 5pm.