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Bali - East

Candi Dasa
Lembongan Island
Nusa Penida
Amed Beach


               Map of Karangasem Region

CANDI DASA (pronounced Chandi )
approx. 80 km from airport
As yet, an unspoiled tourist spot located on the eastern coast. The real problem with this village is the high tides. At high tide the beach disappears. A large wall has been constructed to combat the encroaching sea and aid the construction of tourist facilities. A place for a romantic peaceful holiday with great restaurants and plenty to do. The night life is quiet. If you are a shopper, this place ain't for you. There are a couple of general stores in town - Asri Shop.

  • Amanika - Ph 41 333 Stunning views to Nusa Penida (expensive)
  • The Serai Hotel - ph: 41 011 7 kms from Candi set in traditional style Balinese pavillions (Mod - expensive)
  • The Watergarden - ph: 41 540 Across the road from the beach. Thatched-roofed cottages (reasonable rates)
  • Bali Sumadra - ph: 41 795 On beachfront set in lush gardens. (reasonable rates)
  • Candi Beach Cottages - ph: 41 111 3 kms from Candi with tennis, games room, fitness centre, basketball court and swim pool. (reasonable rates)
  • Hotel Rama Candi Dasa - ph: 41 974 1km out of town with most facilities (cheap - reasonable)
  • Candi Dasa Beach Bungalows - ph 35 536 set in two storey building with either balcony or verandah. Pool and restaurant. (Cheap to reasonable)
    Note these prices do not include taxes. There are a good number of hotels and losmen in Candi to choose from.


  • Cafe Lily - cheesecake to smoked salmon
  • Candi Agung Pizzeria - large and generous pizzas as well as Indonesian
  • Kubu Bali - Seafood
  • Lotus Seafood - extensive menu but expensive
  • Pandan Restaurant - Indonesian and Chinese cuisine, as well as chilli crab
  • TJ's - romantic atmosphere offering different cuisines
    There are a lot more cafes and restaurants in Candi on offer.
    Things to Do
  • Snorkelling and diving are popular here at Candi. It is a snorkeller's dream. Gear can be rented from most hotels. Not a good spot for surfing. Some hotels have tennis and basketball facilities. The nght life is rather quiet, but the Beer Garden and the Legend Rock Cafe have the odd live band. Pool can be played at the Candi Bagus or Flamboyant pubs.
    Sightseeing at Amlapura ( the water palaces are the main attraction ), Puri Kangin (the famous residence of the late raja with it's mixture of international architecture ), Ujung Water Palace 3 kms out of Karangasem. Mother Temple (Pura Besakih ) located on the slopes of Gunung Agung.

    approx. 50 km from airport
    Although Klungkung is the capital of the region, it does not cater for tourists...probably making it an attraction for a few. There are a few losmen and some restaurants located around the town. The night market has a variety of foods and is highly recommended. The day market is one of the best on the island, because it is a major port of call. Wares such as fabrics, souvenirs, crafts and songket. The Handicraft Promotion Centre also sell crafts.

    Sight Seeing

  • Kamasan- Village just south of the town renown for its artists who practice the wayang style of painting.
  • Gelgel - A few kms south where the ruins of the once Great Palace Temple remain.
  • Goa Lawah - the Bat Cave located near the coast hosts thousands of fruit bats. Be careful of falling bat poo.

    about 50 minutes from Padangbai
    - about two hours from Sanur (about 8:00am Fishermans Harbour, end of jl Hang Tua
    - about two to three hours from Kusamba.
    Note: Most boats leave Benoa about 7:00 am. A round trip costs about 50,000 rp

    This island is slowly growing in stature and popularity as cultivation of the island is progressing. Although this is not listed as a tourist resort, the atmosphere is laid back and the locals are very friendly. It is of interest since the island use to be an arid unwanted piece of land used as a penal colony from the 17th to 19th centuries. Some exotic fauna can be found here. Very little English spoken by the locals.
    The only accommodation available on the island as this goes to print is the Bungalows Pemda at the eastern end of Sampalan village and a few losmen. No restaurants, but a few warung are about the place. Snorkelling, swimming, diving and surfing can be enjoyed on the island.

    LEMBONGAN ( Nusa Lembongan )
    Refer to boat trip that takes you to Nusa Penida. This is a popular surfing spot in Bali. The snorkelling between Lembongan and Ceningan islands is perfect. Snorkelling gear can be hired on the island for a couple of dollars. See map
    There are a few losmen and restaurants on the island. It also boasts exotic bird life.


    About 2-3 hours by boat..20 mins by air

    Many who have come to stay at this beautiful island say Lombok is just like the Bali of old. There are only a small number of hotels on the island, mainly located on Senggigi Beach. Lombok compares in size to Bali and thus there is much to see and explore. The snorkelling and diving around the Gili Islands (G.Trawangan, G.Meno (excellent spot) and G.Air) on the west coast is second to none in the world. Surfers will get good waves on the south coast. Visit the only temple in the world where both Muslims and Hindus get together for a religous feast. Visit the Mayura Water Palace which was built in 1720 to serve the Balinese court and is located in Cakranegara. On the north of the island you can go trekking. You start at Pasagulan and hike through lush mountain scenery until you arrive 16 km later at Sembalun Bumbung. For spectaculat views (on a clear day) you can visit Gunung Pengsong, which is located 6 km south of Mataram. The local handicrafts and pottery craftsmen always attract the tourists. On the eastern side of Lombok, just north of Sikar, there are a number of villages that still practice traditional crafts. In Kotaraja, where there is a nearby "monkey forest", blacksmiths forge farming tools, while in Loyok village they specialise in bamboo and palm leaf handicrafts. Down south you have "Kuta" beach and just west of Kuta you have paradise - an amazing beach called Mawun. It takes about 15 minutes by bicycle. The atmosphere in Lombok is definitely laid back and the people are friendly.
    Most of the hotels are located on Senggigi Beach, but the two reguarly advertised are the Senggigi Beach Hotel and the Intan Lugana both moderate to expensive

    Hotel Sheraton Senggigi - Senggigi Ph: (0370) 93333 Fax: 93140
    Holiday Inn Resort - Senggigi Ph: (0370) 93444 Fax: 93092
    Hotel Puri Salon - Senggigi Ph: (0370) 93424 Fax: 93266
    Hotel Bukit Senggigi - Senggigi Ph: (0370) 93173 Fax: 93226
    Hotel Lombok Raya - Mataram Ph: (0370) 32305 Fax: 36478
    Hotel Granada - Mataram Ph: (0370) 22275 Fax: 23856
    Hotel Graha Ayu - Mataram Ph: (0370) 35967 Fax: 26291
    Hotel Lombok Intan Laguana - Senggigi Ph: (0370) 93090 Fax: 93185
    Hotel Hilberon - Pemenang Ph: (0370) 93898 Fax: 93252
    Hotel Geic Rinjani Country Club - Narmada Ph: (0370) 33839 Fax: 33839
    Hotel Graha Senggigi - Jl Raya Senggigi Ph: (0370) 93101 Fax: 93400
    Puri Bunga Cottages - Jl Raya senggigi Ph: (0370) 93013 Fax: 93286

    Garden House Jl Pejanggik, Pusat Pertokan Mataram Ph 22233
    Taiwang Jl Pejanggik, Pusat Pertokan Mataram ph: 23469
    Paradiso Jl Erlangga #3, Mataram Ph: 22854
    Denny Bersaudara Jl Pelikan #6, Mataram Ph: 23619

    Lombok Pottery Centre Jl Majapahit #7, Mataram.

    How to get there?
    By ferry from either
    Padangbai or Benoa Harbour. By plane it takes approx 20 mins. and usually costs about $AUD110.00 and is advisable to book in advance.

    Cyber Cafe's

    Bulan Cybercafe
    Jl. Raya Senggigi
    Lombok NTB 83355 Indonesia
    Phone: 62-370-93832
    Fax: 62-370-93832
    Hours: 09:00 - 21:00 Monday to Friday
    09: 00 - 18:30 Saturday & Sunday
    Price/hour: $3.60/hour
    Offer mostly internet access to the tourists coming to Indonesia. We also provide tourist services such as transportation, accomodation, and daily sightseeing. In the nearest future we will also provide lessons for Scuba Diving or rental of equipement. We are a budget travellers contact point, as well as a Tour Operator. Email:

    Places of Interest
    This is the capital city of Lombok. It is a collection of three towns connected by one main road. Here you will find banks, shopping centres and colonial buildings.
    A busy shopping town that use to be the capital. This is Lombok's main market which is definitely worth a visit.
    The home to the world's fiercest volcano, Sumbawa island lies east of Lombok. Untouched by tourism and clinging to traditional cultures, Sumbawa is mainly for the adventurous type. The beautiful southern beaches of white sand attract surfers from all over, whereas the lush forests, volcanic ridges and green valleys have an attraction all of their own. Access to Sumbawa by plane (Merpati & Sempati) and by by boat (Mabua Express ph:(0370)81225 Fax: 81224 and Bali Sea Dancer from Benoa ) or by slower car ferry from Padangbai.

    Amanwana - luxury camp (with facilities plus) Ph: (0371) 771 267 Fax: 771 266
    Hotel Tambor - Sumbawa Besar Ph: (0371) 21555 or 21624
    Hotel Parewa - Bima Ph: (0371) 2652
    Komodo Island which lies east of Sumbawa, is famous for the grisly Komodo Dragon and excellent diving. Komodo can be accessed from Bali by the Bali Sea Dancer, otherwise you can make your own way from Sape.

    Please refer to map of Lombok (153 kb)


    approx. 70 km from airport

    Bali's eastern most port from where the ferry to Lombok leaves three times a day. The trip to Lombok takes about three hours and costs approx. 8000 - 12000 rp.
    Becoming a popular little stop over, Padangbai offers a few warung and losmen style accommodation as well as some fine snorkelling.

    approx. 85 km from airport

    Access to the village is via a well signed road branching off to the left on the road to Candi Dasa. The village of the Bali Aga, the "original Balinese". Life in the village is devoted to maintaining the divine order and following traditional law. The village is quite wealthy through the agency of co-operative farming and property ownership. Once isolated from the outside world, Tenganan is well known for it's geringsing cloth or double ikat. It has it's own gamelan and holds a three day festival every six months.
    Amed Beach is located on the east coast of Bali. Known for its rocky beaches and excellent snorkelling.