The Complex - Codes
Extra Players in Multiplayer. Enter this at the Character Select screen.
- Hold L & R, press left C
- Hold L, press top C
- Hold L & R, press left on control pad
- Hold L, press right on control pad
- Hold R, press down on control pad
- Hold L & R, press left C
- Hold L, press top C
- Hold L & R, press right on control pad
- Hold L & R, press bottom C
- Hold L, press down on control pad
Get Under Truck in Dam
- Put on Tiny Bond in the Dam
- Bend down (R & bottom C)
- Walk under truck, press R to stop it
Get Paintbrush in Multiplayer
- Put on Sniper Rifles in Multiplayer (any level)
- While playing, get sniper rifle, but don't take out
- Hit A twice to pull out paintbrush