Old Testament Prophets Videos

John Stevenson
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The following video presentations were designed for the online study program at South Florida Bible College & Theological Seminary. They are similar in format to a class that has been taught by the same professor at Trinity International University and corresponding Powerpoint presentations are available for free downloads on this website.

Old Testament Prophets 1: Introduction to Biblical Prophecy
Old Testament Prophets 2: The World of the Prophets
Old Testament Prophets 3: The Nature of Prophetic Fulfillments


Old Testament Prophets 4: Isaiah 1
Old Testament Prophets 5: Isaiah 2-4
Old Testament Prophets 6: Isaiah 5:1-7
Old Testament Prophets 7: Isaiah 5:8-30
Old Testament Prophets 8: Isaiah 6
Old Testament Prophets 9: Isaiah 7:1-16
Old Testament Prophets 10: Isaiah 7:17 - 8:22
Old Testament Prophets 11: Isaiah 9:1-7
Old Testament Prophets 12: Isaiah 9:8 - 10:34
Old Testament Prophets 13: Isaiah 11:1 - 12:6
Old Testament Prophets 14: Isaiah 13:1 - 14:23
Old Testament Prophets 15: Isaiah 14:12-19
Old Testament Prophets 16: Isaiah 28:1-16
Old Testament Prophets 17: Isaiah 29:1-19
Old Testament Prophets: Isaiah 34:14. Lilith
Old Testament Prophets 18: Isaiah 35
Old Testament Prophets 19: Isaiah 36 - 37
Old Testament Prophets 20: Isaiah 38
Old Testament Prophets 21: Isaiah 39
Old Testament Prophets 22: Isaiah 40. God Comforts His People


Old Testament Prophets: Jeremiah: Introduction to the Book of Jeremiah
Old Testament Prophets: Jeremiah 1: Call and Commission
Old Testament Prophets: Jeremiah 2: Charge of Apostasy
Old Testament Prophets: Jeremiah 3:11-17: The Ark of the Covenant
Old Testament Prophets: Jeremiah 5
Old Testament Prophets: Jeremiah 7:1-15: Message at the Temple Gate
Old Testament Prophets: Jeremiah 7:30-34: The Hinnom Valley
Old Testament Prophets: Jeremiah 18 - 36: Prophecies of Judah and Jerusalem
Old Testament Prophets: Jeremiah 37 - 38: The Imprisoned Prophet
Old Testament Prophets: Jeremiah 39: The Fall of Jerusalem
Old Testament Prophets: Jeremiah 40 - 45: After the Fall of Jerusalem
Old Testament Prophets: Jeremiah 45 - 51: Oracles Against the Nations


Old Testament Prophets: Ezekiel: Introduction and Background to Ezekiel
Old Testament Prophets: Ezekiel 1. Vision of the Chariot-Throne
Old Testament Prophets: Ezekiel 2. The Prophet's Commission
Old Testament Prophets: Ezekiel 3. The Scroll-Vision
Old Testament Prophets: Ezekiel 4. A Symbolic Siege
Old Testament Prophets: Ezekiel 5. God's Sword of Judgment
Old Testament Prophets: Ezekiel 6 - 7. When God Speaks
Old Testament Prophets: Ezekiel 8 - 11. God has Left the Building
Old Testament Prophets: Ezekiel 12. Drama of a Present Captivity
Old Testament Prophets: Ezekiel 13 - 14. False Prophets and Faithless Leaders
Old Testament Prophets: Ezekiel 16. Spiritual Adultery
Old Testament Prophets: Ezekiel 17. Parable of Eagles and a Twig
Old Testament Prophets: Ezekiel 18. Responsibility and Repentance
Old Testament Prophets: Ezekiel 26. Prophecy against Tyre
Old Testament Prophets: Ezekiel 28. The King of Tyre
Old Testament Prophets: Ezekiel 36. New Heart, New Spirit
Old Testament Prophets: Ezekiel 37. The Vision of Dry Bones
Old Testament Prophets: Ezekiel 38 - 39. Battle of Gog and Magog
Old Testament Prophets: Ezekiel 40 - 48. The New Temple


Old Testament Prophets: Introduction to the Book of Daniel
Old Testament Prophets: Daniel 1. In the Pagan Palace
Old Testament Prophets: Daniel 2. Between the Rock & a Hard Place
Old Testament Prophets: Daniel 3. The Fiery Furnace
Old Testament Prophets: Daniel 4. Majesty & Madness
Old Testament Prophets: Daniel 5. Handwriting of the Wall
Old Testament Prophets: Daniel 6. Into the Lion's Den
Old Testament Prophets: Daniel 7. Vision of the Four Beasts
Old Testament Prophets: Daniel 8. Daniel's Vision of the Insolent King
Old Testament Prophets: Daniel 9. Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks
Old Testament Prophets: Daniel 10-11. The Abomination of Desolation
Old Testament Prophets: Daniel 12. The End


Old Testament Prophets: Hosea: Introduction
Old Testament Prophets: Hosea 1 - 3. Hosea's Marriage
Old Testament Prophets: Hosea 4 - 11. Covenant Lawsuit
Old Testament Prophets: Hosea 12 - 14. Israel's Past, Present, and Future


Old Testament Prophets: Joel 1. The Day of the Lord
Old Testament Prophets: Joel 2. Seeking God's Spirit
Old Testament Prophets: Joel 3. A Message to all Generations


Old Testament Prophets: Amos 1 - 6. The Prophet of Social Injustice
Old Testament Prophets: Amos 7 - 9. Judgment and Redemption


Old Testament Prophets: Book of Obadiah. Oracle Against Edom


Old Testament Prophets: Jonah 1. Running From God
Old Testament Prophets: Jonah 2. Jonah's Prayer
Old Testament Prophets: Jonah 3. Repentance in Nineveh
Old Testament Prophets: Jonah 4. Lessons in Compassion


Old Testament Prophets: Micah 1 - 2. Hearing God
Old Testament Prophets: Micah 3 - 5. A Crisis of Leadership
Old Testament Prophets: Micah 6 - 7. Who is Like God?


Old Testament Prophets: Book of Nahum. Oracle of Nineveh's Destruction


Old Testament Prophets: Habakkuk 1 - 2: Questions before the Lord
Old Testament Prophets: Habakkuk 3: Song of Victory


Old Testament Prophets: Zephaniah 1:1 - 2:3. Judgment and Repentance
Old Testament Prophets: Zephaniah 2:4 - 3:20. Shame and a Name


Old Testament Prophets: Book of Haggai. Rebuilding the Temple


Old Testament Prophets: Zechariah 1. Hosrsemen of History
Old Testament Prophets: Zechariah 1:18 - 2:11. Judgment on Babylon
Old Testament Prophets: Zechariah 3. The Devil & Dirty Clothes
Old Testament Prophets: Zechariah 4. The Two Witnesses
Old Testament Prophets: Zechariah 5-6. False & True Temples
Old Testament Prophets: Zechariah 7-8. The Once & Future Presence
Old Testament Prophets: Zechariah 9-11. Enemies Within & Without
Old Testament Prophets: Zechariah 12-14. Coming of the Lord


Old Testament Prophets: Malachi 1 - 2. Covenant Ordinances
Old Testament Prophets: Malachi 3 - 4. Coming of the Lord

Minor Prophets Powerpoints: Powerpoints for a class at TIU
Prophetic Books Powerpoints: Powerpoints for the class "Prophetic Voice" at TIU

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