- VIEW OF SCRIPTURE: The Bible is God's inspired word, complete and without error. The original manuscripts of the Old and New Testaments were inspired word for word to their fullest extent. The Bible is to be known and obeyed. It is God's sufficient revelation for His Church.
- WORLD & LIFE VIEW: All of life is to be lived in the presence of God. I do not divide the world into "sacred" and "secular." All of life is sacred and is to be lived unto God with reverence to His will. There is no area of human life with which Christ and His Word are not concerned.
- TRINITY: There is only one God and He exists in three eternal persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. These three are one God, equal in power and glory.
- PERSON AND WORK OF CHRIST: Jesus Christ, the unique God-man, was conceived by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the virgin Mary and was born from her, yet without sin. He was tempted in all points as we are, yet lived a sinless life. On the cross He took the penalty of sin upon Himself. Through His death, burial and resurrection, He provided forgiveness of sin and eternal life.
- JUSTIFICATION: The act of God's free grace in which He declares us to be RIGHTEOUS on the basis of the perfect righteousness of Jesus Christ which is credited to our account by faith alone.
- SANCTIFICATION: There is an initial work of sanctification that takes place on behalf of every believer at the moment of salvation as he is set apart by God. The continuing work of sanctification is the work of God's grace which enables us to die increasingly to sin and to live more and more in conformity to the righteousness of God as revealed in the Moral Law. The ultimate work of sanctification shall take place when Christ returns and we are changed into His image.
- DISPENSATIONALISM: I do not agree with this system which fails to recognize the unity of Scripture. I do respect these brothers for their positive stand on Scripture and missions.
- GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT: When Christians serve one another, build up the church, and work for unity in the knowledge and character of Christ, the abilities which the Spirit has distributed to each member becomes evident. Although I am personally skeptical of most of what passes for the modern charismatic gifts, God is free to distribute gifts according to His will.
- EVANGELISM: I am committed to the free offer of the Gospel and have trained with Evangelism Explosion and have used its program along with Bible Study evangelism. However, the most effective form of evangelism will be as Christians speak the truth in love while exhibiting a humble and godly character.
CALVINISM - The Five Points were a response to Arminianism. They summarize God's sovereign work of salvation toward people who are completely powerless to turn to God apart from His initiative.
- TOTAL DEPRAVITY: Since the Fall, man is totally infected with sin so that he is spiritually dead and unable to make himself right with God or even seek God apart from the Holy Spirit's work of regeneration.
- UNCONDITIONAL ELECTION: Out of His infinite mercy and love, God has chosen certain individuals to salvation, not because of any goodness or merit on their part, but solely because of His own infinite love for them (Ephesians 1:3-11; 1 Corinthians 1:26-31).
- PARTICULAR ATONEMENT: The atoning work of Christ on the cross was infinite in power and sufficient for all men to be saved; yet it only accomplished and secured salvation for those whom God had chosen. At the same time, I also hold to the truth that no one who comes to Christ will ever be denied.
- IRRESISTIBLE GRACE: Jesus said that all whom the Father called would come to Him (John 6:37). When the Lord draws an individual to Himself, that person comes.
- PERSEVERANCE OF THE SAINTS: Those who are elected by the Father, redeemed by the Son, and regenerated by the Spirit can never lose or turn from salvation (Philippians 1:6). Nothing will ever separate them from the love of God.
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