Now available in book form at
Redeemer Publishing
James - Introduction to the Epistle
James 1:1. Opening Salutation
James 1:2-8. When Bad Times Come
James 1:9-11. Poor Man, Rich Man
James 1:12-18. Trials, Temptations and the Goodness of God
James 1:19-27. Ministry of the Word
James 2:14-26. Faith without Works
James 3:1-18. Tempering the Tongue
James 4:1-12. Quarrels and Conflicts
James 5:7-20. Patience, Promises and Prayer
Introduction to the Epistle of James.
James 1:1-11. When Bad Times Come
James 1:12-18. Trials and Temptations
James 1:19-28. The Ministry of the Word
James 2:1-13. Faith and Favoritism
James 2:14-26. Faith Without Works
James 3:1-18. Tempering the Tongue
James 4:1-12. Quarrels and Conflicts
James 4:13 - 5:9. Planning for Permanence
James 5:7-20. Patience, Promises, and Prayer
About the Author
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