Alaska 2005

The summer of 2005 saw John and Paula on a trip to Alaska. Initial plans called for them to go north all the way to Prudhoe Bay on the Arctic Ocean, but this had to be modified due to heavy smoke conditions of forest fires in the north country, so they only made it as far north as Fairbanks.

Rock Climbing

The "high point" of this trip for John was being able to do some rock climbing and rappelling in Skagway. There is something exhillarating about hanging onto a rock face with your fingertips.

The Rock

A closeup of John on the same rock as he pauses for a breather.


Paula had a wonderful time dogsledding on Denver Glacier. This glacier was covered by a thick carpet of snow and the dogsled camp remains here for 5 months out of the year.

After running a team of dogs out about a quarter of a mile from the base came (located in the background), we stopped for a short breather to rest the dogs and take in the scenery.

Paula and John took a helicopter trip up to Mendenhall Glacier, landing atop the river of ice.


Seeing a glacier from afar, it can be difficult to judge the size until there is something to give it perspective. The cruise ship at the bottom gives a bit of an idea as to the size of the glacier behind.