Christian World View Powerpoints and Lectures

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Christian World View Powerpoints and Lectures

The following powerpoint presentations and lectures were delivered at St Andrews Presbyterian Church. The audio lectures follow the corresponding Powerpoint slides. These tend to be very long downloads as they make use of considerable graphics and other sorts of images. They are available for use in teaching situations, but are not for re-publication. Note that the class audio sessions were only recorded for the first five classes.

Class 1 Powerpoint: What in the World is a World View?

Class 2 Powerpoint: Evaluating your World View
Class 2 Audio File: Evaluating your World View

Class 3 Powerpoint: Christ and Culture - Part 1
Class 3 Audio File: Christ and Culture - Part 1

Class 4 Powerpoint: Christ and Culture - Part 2
Class 4 Audio File: Christ and Culture - Part 2

Class 5 Powerpoint: Creation, Fall, and Redemption
Class 5 Audio File: Creation, Fall, and Redemption

Class 6 Powerpoint: Life and Death

Class 7 Powerpoint: God and Politics

Class 8 Powerpoint: Popular Art and Culture

Class 9 Powerpoint: Modernity and Post Modernity

Class 10 Powerpoint: Impacting Culture

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