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- Advocates for the Millennium -

Thorhild Central School

Comparison Essays

The Grade 5 students interviewed a senior partner via the Internet in order to gather information about what life was like as a ten or eleven year old in the past.  They used this information to make comparisons to what their lives are like as ten and eleven year olds at the turn of the century and millennium.  Following are some samples of the students' work.

 My senior, Virginia, and I have many things in common and many things that are different.  The following contains some of the things that are similar about us and the things that are unique to one another.

Virginia and I have a few things in common.  One is we have both been to more than one school.  Another thing is the fact that we both don't know a single note on the picano.  The last one is that we both once lived in large cities.

Virginia and I have a few differences, too!  One, is her father was an engineer, and mine is a mechanic.  Another is she is an only child and I have two sisters.  The last one is she got a cool squirrel as a pet and I got a dumb dog.

I have discussed the similarities and differences of our lives.  My opinion is that we both led interesting lives.  Nobody has the same lives, but we always have something in common.

My senior and I have found out what the differences and similarities about us by me interviewing him. I had E-mailed him a couple of questions about his life when he was little and he gladly answered them. In this essay I will show you some of the differences and similarities about my senior and I.

My senior and I have many similarities. Here are a couple of those similarities: we both like the same sports like basketball, we have similar subjects in school, our favorite subject is math, and we both are really good at math.

There are many differences between my senior and I. Some of those differences are: my school has several teachers, his only had one, we have several classrooms, and he only had one, and at our we have a gym, and when he went to school outside was his gym.

Although there are many good things about my senior's life, I would prefer mine. My personal opinion would have to be my life because it's modern, color TV's, better cars, more stuff, and he had to walk to school.

I have discussed the differences and similarities about my senior and I. I enjoyed the project because it was cool to know how it was in the olden days.

IYOP means International Year of Older Person. My partner for this project I have Adrienne Jonas. We both have a lot in common like we both have cats, dogs, chores, both enjoy school, and we both have the same name.

Adrienne also has a lot of differences. Her father died in the war. Adrienne was born before World War 2. Adrienne has been to different schools. She was living in London for a while until the war began. Adrienne was the youngest in her family. Adrienne has two sisters and no brothers. ( she's lucky)

Adrienne Jonas went to a public school for a while then she had to go to a boarding school. At Adrienne's boarding school her teachers had dogs but they never got to play with them.

Adrienne never had a easy life until now. I glad I am not her.

I e-mailed a senior named Mary and asked her some questions so I could make an essay on the differences and similarities between us.  In this essay I am going to show you the similarities and differences of me and Mary.

Mary and I don't have many similarities.  We both went to school.  I had a lot of teachers and so did she.  We both have a lot of friends.

Mary and I have a lot of differences.  Mary speaks Ukrainian, but I speak English.  She had a very strict school however I don't have a strict school.  She went to four different schools and I only went to one school.  Mary's dad worked in the fields and my dad loads pipe on trucks.

I discussed the similarities and differences between Mary and I.  I like the way I live because I have a television, a better school, and more things in my life.

Although there are many good things about Mary's life, I think my life is better.  I am sure that from Mary's answers to my questions she had a very different life back then.

I interviewed a senior named Walter. I wanted to know what he had back when he was a kid.

Walter and I have some similarities. We took the same subjects in school like Math, Spelling, Language, Science and Art. We are both men. We were both born in Canada, and we were both born in a Hospital. We play the same games like Chinese Checkers, X and O's and Snakes and Ladders. We both make tree houses.

We have many differences. He did not to go restaurants when he was 10 years old and I do now. I play floor hockey and he did not. I live in town and he did not. I take the bus and he did not. I was born 1988 and he was born in 1932. I have skates and he did not.

I have listed all of the similarities and differences. I think today is better time and place to live because there are more inventions. There are toys like go-carts and snowmobiles.

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