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- Advocates for the Millennium -

Thorhild Central School

Questions for Senior Partners

The Grade 5 students interviewed a senior partner over the Internet to find out information about what it was like to be a ten or eleven year old in the past.  In groups, they came up with several questions to ask their senior partners.  Following are a sample of the types of questions they asked:

What subjects did you have in school?

Were your teachers strict?

How did you get to school?

How many friends did you have?

What did you do for recreation?

Are any of your friends famous?

Did you have any friends that were in the war? Did they come back?

How many rooms did you house have?

Did you have a dirt floor?

Did you live in Canada?

How many people were in your family?

Were you allowed to be divorced?

Did you have a lot of chores?

Did you have any restaurants?

Did you live on a farm or in town?

Were you born in the hospital or at home?

Where did you buy food?

Where did you buy clothes or did you make them?

What were the inventions in your time?

What is your favourite invention?

Did you fear your teacher?

Was your family fortunate enough to have an orange at Christmas?

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