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I'm A Saint!

Whee! This is my own little spot on the web, where I get to go on and on and on about what a wonderful person I am! Since companies like Demon and Freeserve started giving away free web space with their free ISPs (well, before that, but still), every fool out there has put a piece of garbage that takes up nice space on the net. I figured why don't I do that to?

Well, I'm 500 years old. I'm an Überfaerie of the greatest kind, and I specialise in making tiny tiny tiny ice bombs that blow up in people's faces when they least expect it. And I live in a little land called Neopia with all the other nice überfaeries. But I'm the greatest of all, I'm their faery queen.

Actually, no I'm not. I'm 55, male, married to a cook and have three children, the eldest of which you can see to the top left. I live in Michigan, beat my wife everyday, and have gone into prison for selling drugs.

OK, to be honest that is me to the right. I'm not married, and never will be either, so there. I've just turned 19, and even though this bit is hard to believe, in 2 more years I will be a proud holder of an MNatSc(Chem), from the University of Birmingham. Hey, I guess I started young. And at the moment I look like a hippy in black. And I'm happy that way. Plus, as a chemist I can in fact make little little bombs that will go boom in your face when you least expect it, so there!

But does it really matter whether I really am the chemistry student (which I am), the truck driver or the faery? You wouldn't know the difference would you? So I may as well be entertaining, and you can believe whatever your little hearts desire!

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