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Non Player Characters of
The Department of World Justice.

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A "disgraced" gargoyle from Dimension 9, Trin was rescued from her life on the streets by Shadow. She was recruited into the DWJ upon their return back to earth.

Missing her wings as her punishment by the Shar of Gargoyles, her flying ability has been restored via a jetpack, which has served greatly in the DWJ's fight against crime.

She is now happily married to Shadow, and fight side by side with him on this new world she calls her home. Trin has recently trained in heavy weapons and uses a 5.56mm NATO M-60 as part of her fighting arsenal. This allows her to now fight at a distance, which she wasn't able to do before with the Sword.

The union between herself and Shadow have now produced two children, Dragon and Justine, which are the first hybrid gargoyle/human children ever born, and the first gargoyles not born in 
Dimension 9.

Click here to see the preliminary sketch drawn by Kanthara Pic Designs!


Zanthia "The Guardian"


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Also a refugee from the Kama-Sutra, she is a Psionic, a race of people who are kept as sexual slaves in the Kama-Sutrian empire. 

Zanthia's bloodline travels back to the days when the Guardians ruled the Kama-Sutra. She works with the DWJ to help in her training in combat, which she is a novice at.

Her ability of Mind Control and Flying assists her role in the DWJ as well as her special Armour and Sword, which can change to any design on her mental command. Zanthia has returned to school to become more educated in the temporary world she now lives in, and has now become romantically involved with Snake Eyes.

She has just been recently assigned as Ambassador to the Kama-Sutra and Dimension 9, and assists the DWJ when exploring the vastness of Dimension 9.

Averil Cavilier

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A stern and professional policewoman of another dimension, but similar earth, Averil agreed to come to this earth to help the DWJ in their fight against crime. Her new job with the DWJ is much less hazardous then her last when she was a policewoman for a very militant police organization bent on the destruction of superheroes and those with "Super-Abilities".

Her main powers are those similar to Mr. Bishop's, Dispersal. She has knowledge in a variety of firearms and is very capable in taking care of herself with her close combat ability. Perhaps her major weakness is the "dual personality" syndrome. While her "Averil" personality is quite professional and "good", her alter ego is a super powered villain named "Lady Lingerie". Averil as well as the DWJ hope that her evil side never emerges.

The Searcher

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Transferred to the DWJ from the US Defense Department, Searcher uses her ability of Mind Reading to answer questions the DWJ may have of their prisoners.

A specialist in the area of computers, The Searcher is in charge of the information gathering and retrieval of the group. Although not used in the field as other members, The Searcher never hesitates when asked to do so, and usually handles herself pretty well. 


Miss Infinity

During the course of an assignment, a group of scientists were doing an experiment at a remote location. The DWJ as well as the Vanguard crashed the experiment and a hole in space and Time opened up and a being from another dimension entered into this universe.

His name was The Solution, whom the DWJ encountered before. He was along the roadway to death when he spotted this rip in the fabric of space and decided to examine it.

The Solution then empowered the lead scientist and gave her a portion of his own powers and wisdom before returning to his journey to the end of his life.
Miss Infinity dresses in black and white colors to represent the ways of good and evil. She can fly, breathe in non-oxygen environments and create a brilliant flash of light from her body. She is still learning the ways of the DWJ, and battling the war between good and evil, not only on the Earth, but in her own body.



Fitness Model Cori Nadine

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Image Copyright © SoftWood, Inc. 
All rights reserved.

Magnesium is a newer addition to the ranks of the Department of World Justice. She was discovered while the DWJ were on an assignment in Madagascar and was involved in the apprehension of  Cobra.

Magnesium has the same powers as Magnus, a super quick ability of martial arts. She is not at the same level of martial arts as Magnus, but she is still above the rest of the crowd. She models herself after Magnus, even the name Magnesium is derived from it. She usually wears a silver chromium outfit or swimsuit and a face mask (not seen in the photo).

Already Magnesium has been a driving force in the DWJ. She has been to D9 and partakes in assignments that need her kind of firepower. She is the first member of the DWJ that is actively gay (Lesbian), and supports the right be so.


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Jhessil comes to the DWJ from another dimension and time. She is a cyborg imperial guard that was stranded in a planet in the middle of a war zone. Shadow in his travels on this strange place, offered to take her back in exchange for her help with the DWJ.

Facing the choice of staying on a desolate planet in the middle of a war zone, she chose to follow Shadow back to the DWJ. 

For now she is in the DWJ's Science division getting repairs to her cybernetic components, but will be brought into service in D9 where her abilities in that strange dimension will be beneficial.


This page Last Edited: Thursday, January 04, 2001 12:16:19 AM