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Wednesday, December 13, 2000

Hello all!  Well it sure didn't take long before I got a response back from the good 'ol boys at Vivid Video asking me "Please, Please!! don't post a picture of Raylene on your site". Guess those guys do read their E-mails (Gotta have something to do in between filming Porn I suppose). Well they gave me the Big Thumbs Down for Raylene, "We get many requests to use her likeness and if we allowed you to use it, then we would have to let everyone use it". Very good Inuit thinking there, but if the good guys at Vivid would care to look around the world wide web here.... EVERYONE IS ALREADY USING YOUR PICTURES!!!! I just have the common courtesy to ask for your permission first. Oh well, Fair Enough! I won't post any pictures of Raylene, Janine, or whoever else you guys got to do your skin films. See if I ever rent a Vivid movie ever again too... :)

Don't I just get testy when I don't get my way??? What's the harm everyone??? It's just a RPG site. I'm not gonna make a fortune posting one non-nude pic here. So I'll just write back to Raylene and see if there's any way that she can help me. She seems like a very nice and polite lady, so we'll have to see how it all goes.

The Realms have a new banner!! Actually we have MANY new banners!!! You all can download it and post it to your website to help support me. Here's the link to the banner page:

Pretty neat huh!! :)   I was making one for my business website and decided to make one for the realms, then I just kept on going and before I knew it, I had 6 made. I'll be E-mailing it to all the ring members after I go and do some errands today.

And the last piece of news is the recent piece of artwork that myself and The Realms has acquired, a print of the painting "Choosers of the Slain". It's a big portrait of Valkyries in the battlefield. This reflects my Norse Mythology Religion and will be displaying it prominently in my room for all to see.

Absolutely gorgeous!  It's big too about 36" x 24", I'm getting a classmate to find a frame for me. The artist is Ruth Thompson of Tarnished Images (Click on the picture and it'll take you to her site).

She has many (MANY!!) neat pictures of fantasy / mythology for sale, mostly of the Medieval or D&D genre. I highly advise anyone to go to her site and check it out.

It has been brought to my attention that alot of people don't know what Valkyries are. Well they're warrior women in Norse Mythology who fly down to the battlefield and gather up the souls of the dead and take them back to Valhalla (stopping first in Sessrumnir so that the Goddess Freyja may choose first). The rest are taken to Valhalla where they train and party until Ragnarok, the end of the world, the finial battle. The true Norse name of Valkyrie is Valkyrja, and that's where I get my name from. Valkyrja Klydesdale, Horse of the Valkyries.

Alrighty all, that's about all the new news that I have right now, Tune in later for more!!


The Up-to-date news on Mission: Permission;

Who (When) Why? and Response so far?
Penthouse (
(Aug 16, 1999)
Need permission to use the likeness of Julia Garvey to illustrate the Demoness. This is the first try at mission permission (Aug 16/ 1999) and I got the thumbs down. Get this reply: "We will not give out the rights for the use of the picture for this kind of usage". COME ON!! Penthouse is an adult magazine!! I should be more worried that it would be negative on my site!
Raylene (
(Nov 11, 2000)
Need permission to use her likeness for the character "Outlaw". Surprisingly, I got a reply from her that same day. Very friendly lady, saying that she would like to but that Vivid Video owns the rights to all her publicity and that she cannot give her consent. She did give me the top secret phone number to Vivid Video and told me who to talk to. :)
Echo Johnson (
(Nov 11, 2000)

Need permission to use her likeness for the super heroine Zanthia and the villain Goddess. Resent permission E-mail on Sunday November 19, 2000. 

Well, I got an E-mail from Echo Johnson herself on Nov 21, 2000. She gives us permission to use her image to represent Zanthia "The Guardian" and she'll support the character. Big breakthrough, she made me so happy that day. A Big round of applause goes out to Echo Johnson! So far we're still talking as to what picture to use, the one that I sent her, echo told me that Playboy owns it, so she is going to send me a bunch of her own for me to use!! 
Vivid Video (
(Nov 12, 2000)
Going from the advise of Raylene, I e-mailed the top guys at vivid video to get permission to use Raylene's image. Resent permission E-mail on Sunday November 19, 2000. Resent permission E-mail on Sunday, November 26, 2000. No reply yet. Resent permission E-mail on Sunday, December 3, 2000 and the new E-mail on Dec 10, 2000. No reply yet. Well it sure didn't take long before I got a response back from the good 'ol boys at Vivid Video asking me "Please, Please!! don't post a picture of Raylene on your site". Guess those guys do read their E-mails (Gotta have something to do in between filming Porn I suppose). Well they gave me the Big Thumbs Down for Raylene, "We get many requests to use her likeness and if we allowed you to use it, then we would have to let everyone use it". Very good Inuit thinking there, but if the good guys at Vivid would care to look around the world wide web here.... EVERYONE IS ALREADY USING YOUR PICTURES!!!! I just have the common courtesy to ask for your permission first. Oh well, Fair Enough! I won't post any pictures of Raylene, Janine, or whoever else you guys got to do your skin films. See if I ever rent a Vivid movie ever again too...
Penthouse (
(Nov 12, 2000)
Back to the beast, this time to gain permission to use their comic creation Hericane. Resent permission E-mail on Sunday November 19, 2000. Resent permission E-mail on Sunday, November 26, 2000. No reply yet. Resent permission E-mail on Sunday, December 3, 2000 and the new E-mail on Dec 10, 2000. No reply yet.
Penthouse (
(Nov 12, 2000)
New idea on how to use the Julia Garvey picture on my website. I seen on her personal page  there that she sells autographed pictures of herself for about $10. I wrote to the sales department of Penthouse to ask if I purchased an "Autographed" picture from them, if I could display it as a new acquisition on my "Collector's Web site". Resent permission E-mail on Sunday November 19, 2000. Resent permission E-mail on Sunday, November 26, 2000. No reply yet. Resent permission E-mail on Sunday, December 3, 2000 and  Dec 10, 2000 (This one I sent with an "angry" tone, because their sales dept haven't replied to me, I even sent it Bob Guccione (The head guy). No reply yet.
Cyril (
(Nov 12, 2000)
I seen this website on a search engine inquiry for Julia Garvey, seems like she did some posing or independent model work for this gothic magazine. I wrote to them not to get permission, but to actually get in touch with Julia Garvey herself. Resent permission E-mail on Sunday November 19, 2000. Resent permission E-mail on Sunday, November 26, 2000. No reply yet. Resent permission E-mail on Sunday, December 3, 2000 and  Dec 10, 2000. No reply yet.
Woody (
(Nov 12, 2000)

I know that they own the right to Cori Nadine pictures (or picture sets) and asked for permission to use a pic of Cori Nadine. Woody wrote back to ask some questions and I think we're on the process of getting our first Permission! I should know by the weekend. Just getting some little details out of the way, Woody is actually gonna edit, crop, clip, resize, adjust (whatever the terminology is) the picture for me, and put a border around it. Just waiting for him to e-mail it to me.
Toronto Sun Newspaper
(Nov 12, 2000)

Needed permission to use a sunshine girl picture to represent the Searcher. I got a reply back from their "Director of Electronic Information" saying nope, never!! 

See me buy another Sun newspaper again. You would think that I spent about 10 years buying the paper to support them, and especially the sunshine girl, and all they needed to do to say a kind of thanks would be to post ONE picture. Theoretically the Sun got $260 from me and I'm sure I could hire the model herself to get a series set of pictures done... Thanks alot Sun Media Corp...

Sorayama (
(Nov 12, 2000)
Need permission to use his artwork called "Spartan" for the Jhessil character. Resent permission E-mail on Sunday November 19, 2000. Resent permission E-mail on Sunday, November 26, 2000. No reply yet. Resent permission E-mail on Sunday, December 3, 2000 and the new E-mail on Dec 10, 2000. No reply yet.
Cori Nadine (
(Nov 16, 2000)
Just wrote to ask if Cori Nadine would sponsor the "Magnesium" Character. Different then getting a picture, I like to tell people that a character is "Officially Sponsored" by the real life person who inspired the image of the character. Resent permission E-mail on Sunday November 19, 2000. Resent permission E-mail on Sunday, November 26, 2000. No reply yet. Decided to stop asking for her permission, I'm getting the picture from, I only wanted Cori to "sponsor" the character like Echo Johnson is.

So that's the scoop so far. If you are someone who owns rights to models, or are a model and would like to contribute something to a bunch of guys who run a gaming club, just write to me and tell me how you can help.


Sunday, December 10, 2000

Howdy all! Not too much happening here, just sending out the permission E-mails for mission: Permission, now with a new twist, Today's E-mails that I sent basically said that if you don't reply to my E-mails, that they are giving me full permission to use their pics. A great new twist given to me by my fellow Administrators of the Web Ring! Thanks Guys!!

I talked to Karine on Friday and she says she is close to finishing the picture of Trin, which is great news.

Well the Realms will be closed for the Christmas season, I need the break for 3 weeks, and we'll be resuming on January 6, 2001. Do tune in here after Jan 1st, 2001 for special highlights from the Administrator's conference where we'll be tackling very important issues.


Monday, November 27, 2000

Hello everyone, well this is already starting to become a busy week! Let me tell you why:


Modus Operandi (Run by Dave McAlister) has awarded the Realms of the Imagination as a "Highly Recommended Espionage RPG web site". 

Even though this is NOT an award, I like to call it a Badge. The first one that the Realms has received. :)

The logo looks great and everyone in the ring got one (I believe). If you would like to see the Banner site (titled an AWARDS site.... ) go to this link:

Congrats to everyone who got one!  Treat it VERY special, No-one else on the entire WWW can get one but us!


Next is the Realms entrance into the RPG Defense League! 

I have joined this Web ring which promotes the good values of RPG's and their players. There has been many bad things said about role-playing over the years and I'll admit, I've not voiced on occasion that I'm a role-player because it's viewed as a bad thing. 

Well no more! Myself, and hopefully the members of the Realms will speak up and not be afraid or ashamed to be a RPG'er, to be proud of our hobby and religion! And to correct those around us who badmouth and put down Role Playing!


And of course, the results so far for Mission Permission, entering it's third week now! :)



Wednesday, November 22, 2000

Alrighty, just updated a few pages due to the activity here at the Realms. Received a reply from the beautiful Echo Johnson, read more on the "Mission Permission" table below (Above).


Thursday, November 16, 2000

Whew! Boy have I been busy!!!  I took it after last weekend to go after the big guys! No I'm not declaring war on anyone, I'm just doing my e-mail harassment to get permission on the pictures that I use on my website. For along time I've been using pictures on here that I didn't ask for permission for. I've been getting away with it because the Realms isn't a big site and doesn't get noticed half the time, for now. I've been reviewing the stats for the Realms and seen that the his here is Growing!! We're about 40 hits a day, and we passed 3000 total hits a while ago. That's mighty good in my books. So I thought it was about time to get some permissions going before I get sued, or the realms gets shut down when someone big does check it out and see the copyright infringement.

There's alot of pictures that I use, because being human, we like pictures and being male (Worse yet, French Canadian!) I especially love great looking women, and I have alot on here, which means alot of E-mails that I have to send out. Keep checking in the news, I'll be posting updates to the "Crusade" on my permission mission.


Friday, November 03, 2000

Big Update! I changed and fixed up many areas of the realms, especially the Villains and Espionage areas. Go and check 'em out.

Project Soundscape: Many of you (I hope! :) have probably noticed that there's a spinning CD icon on the main page, and this is what it's about. I'm currently in the works of making a soundtrack score CD for gaming. There are alot of real good music tracks that are gonna be on the CD. There's gonna be a Soundtrack for each of the main genres of games that I run; DWJ, Espionage, Villains and Modular. If you would like to get a CD, just let me know. It's FREE!! (you just need to cover the shipping and handling). I'll be posting a music listing for the soundtracks so you know what we groove to.


Saturday, October 14, 2000

Well the creative bug is in my butt tonight. I changed around the general look of things, and added a new feature to the site, the QUICKLINKS is now a link to the Jump Station, a central plexus of all the pages on the Realms. Want to quickly get to a page, just hit the QL button at the top left of every webpage!

That's it. I'm going to bed now. :)


Friday, October 13, 2000

Spent some time updating a few pages on the site on this glorious Fleyja's day. Updated the Links pages and added more members of the honorable TSSI WebRing, and changed things around a whole bit, new background. 

I also updated the Credits and Inspirations page to the new, uniformed look. 

Well that's about all, more to come, more to come.


Thursday, October 5, 2000

Time for an update? I think so!  I've been very busy working on getting ready to get into business for myself here. I cleaned out my garage (which was used as a storage facility for the last 20 years!), but now it's almost ready. I've enrolled into a schooling course sponsored by the government on how to start and run and manage a business. So things are coming along just fine.

Now that doesn't mean that I've been ignoring Top Secret S.I. I still Administrate the DWJ on Saturday nights and even fit in Espionage on Tuesday evenings. So things there are working out pretty good too.

And there's two BIG announcements for the realms! 



Number 1 is our first model spokeswoman! The Realms of The Imagination is proud to announce and introduce Natasha. A Russian computer graphics designer who does an amateur adult website. Ya, C'mon! Like you NEVER go to them either?? :)  Well I stumbled onto Natasha's site while checking out pics to use for NPC's (Yes, I actually do that...) and it says on there that she would like to see her images on other people's websites, so I wrote to her and asked if I may use a non nude image of her for a future NPC character, and she agreed. She is amazingly gorgeous, and if you're over the age of 18 (or adult wherever you come from), go to her site and check it out. She has some pretty interesting wallpapers for your desktop. Click on her picture below and it'll take you to her site.

Pretty big news alone, especially around the round table where everyone was excited! "That is really awesome! " Chris Lee, longtime player at the table was heard to say. It really does mean alot to us here at the Realms, because I've contacted Playboy, Penthouse and others to get permission to use non nude images that we use anyways on the website to represent the NPC's and characters of the games, and they all told me where to go, and how to get there. It really doesn't help us out when we don't get any support, which is why it's so great that Natasha gave us permission and a big thumbs up for the Realms, and for that, she's gonna get high praise and a loyal following from all of us here! Thank you again Natasha!!


Now for #2, Bishop, Chris and I just went to the comic and toy fair at the Alberta aviation museum, where I ran into Ethan Peacock. He recognized us right away, so we talked to him for a while and I got 2 more authentic drawings!! I keep bugging him to get a web site so that I can promote his work on the Realms, but I guess he's busy with a bunch of other projects, so until I get a Website URL from him, I'll just post his contact information in a separate page I'll create for him. Once again, his mastery comes alive in the picture of the Demoness which I got him to make for me, this picture is absolutely perfect as I envision her. Ethan's art is just unbelievable, and if you want a sketch, I suggest you get into contact with him, just tell him that I referred you (maybe he'll do a free sketch for me or something :)

The Demoness

Yin of  The Assassin's Guild

That's it for now, come back often to keep up with the news.


Saturday, August 26, 2000

Been busy for the last 2 weeks. I've QUIT my job on July 24th, 2000 for assorted reasons which I won't go into right now, so I've been looking into either going back to school or going into business for myself. As it turns out, I'll be doing both. Yours truly will be taking a course into self employment and small business and will one day be working out of my garage and basement with my own company. Great news! So what does that mean for this site, nothing much, business as usual, I'll still update when I can and of course, the gaming will continue.

Spent some time on the Modular pages, not much though because fellow Administrator of the round table, Chris Lee should be looking after it (it is his series). But go there and you'll get pretty much what's going on with the series.


$1,000,000 Survivor winner, Richard Hatch.

Well I had a great Wednesday! One of my Favorite Survivors won the million dollars! I don't know who else has been following the show, but I've been pretty much routing for Richard, Sue or Rudy. I was so excited when Richard won that I screamed, hollered and danced around as if the oilers won the Stanley cup! :)  Here's to you Richard! You brought action and excitement to TV where there was none before. Now there's going to be a Survivor 2 that will take place in the Australian outback, open to Americans only. C'mon! When are Canadians gonna get some airtime?? I know the real reason that they don't want a Canadian on the show, it's because WE WOULD KICK THE AMERICAN'S ASS EVERY TIME!!! 
That's right baby, Canadians are just awesome and it's true... Americans just can't handle it. 

God Damn! I love being a Canadian!!

Alright, I'm sure my E-mail is gonna get clogged by Americans sending me hate E-mails, so I'll move on. Well nothing else to report, tomorrow is Saturday and I'm getting all geared up for the DWJ. That's about it. My friend leant me a shockwave creation CD, so I'm going to fool around with it in the next couple of weeks and I'm gonna see what I can do with the site with it. So tune in and don't miss out! 


Friday, August 11, 2000

I spent the whole day updating a bunch of pages on my site, all clearly marked on the homepage, I rearranged some things, added tables, changed backgrounds. In in the effort to complete this site. Will continue to update as the days go on by, so check them out!


Wednesday, August 09, 2000

Updated the main index page to include the new link for Valkyrie, my new site that will be a resource for G4 equipment. The site is called G4 International Division and I'll be working on it as time permits, but should be done soon.


Monday, August 07, 2000

Sir Alec Guinness passed away this weekend at the age of  86. 

My first exposure to him was from the movie Star Wars, where he played the aged Jedi master Obi Wan Kenobi. I always liked the character Ben Kenobi, probably because they picked such a great actor to play the part. 

Whenever I introduce a "master" of sorts into my games, I usually picture Sir Alec in my mind, his patience and calmness. He has been an influence to me and my worlds of Top Secret for a long time, and he will surely be missed.

Rest in Peace


Monday, July 17, 2000

Well I've been busy, just not on the website! :) Took a vacation from work and just relaxing in the Canadian summer here (gotta enjoy it fast before settling back into our igloos for the winter). 

Got introduced to a free web based stats service here on the web, and it gives me alot of good nifty information. I'm able to check out who visit my pages, where they came from, what operating system, what resolution and what browsers so I can customize my pages for 'em. Really good system, it's called With it I was able to determine that Espionage is the page everyone's visiting, second is the Villains page for the DWJ. So needless to say that I spent all of my Sunday working on the espionage page. I've typed out the entire Orion Foundation write up that you would find in the administrator's guide. That took me a while, I'm a slow typist.

Since everyone comes to my mainpage first on their journey to the realms, I've decided to put in a "new" button (looks like this ) on the homepage, just so that anyone coming here on a regular basis can see at a glance what I've changed.


Tuesday, June 27, 2000

Hello again!  Been awhile, but I've been busy.  Let's see this update, I've spruced up the Villains area with some banners. Doesn't sound like a lot, but it does take awhile to do them little things. I'll be adding more into the Villains area as time goes on as I'm building up on alot of material and ideas for that series.

The Department of World Justice has reached Mission #100!!! The heroes have awakened as little kids in a VR gaming area called Top Secret S.I. and are told that the "Game" is over. The children are bewildered and upset and confused, as they still think that they are the superheroes Shadow, Trin, Snake Eyes and Goldberg. Now they are out in the "real" world and have to make sense of it all. 

I've received word from Karine (a.k.a. Kanthara, the artist that is drawing Trin) that she's near completion of the pic! She just need to color it in, as the finial adjustments and inking have been done. I myself can't wait! But you can't rush artists if you want it done right. There will be a big blurb on the new pic when I get it! 

That's all for now, tune in as I'll be spending more time on the page in the next few weeks.


Sunday, January 30, 2000

Updated the Espionage Orion Special Weapons Field Report page, put alot of new gadgets and gear that no Orion agent should be without. 

Posted the picture of Yin, the villainous assassin which combats the DWJ. 


Tuesday, January 25, 2000

Done alot of updating! Started working on the Espionage pages, added a few more links to that area as well, check out what Orion has in mind for the agents of the new millennium.


Sunday, January 23, 2000

Lots of updates! I updated the Main page, gave it a new look for the new year.

I also updated the DWJ NPC page, put some new pics in there for Magnesium and Jhessil. 

Updated the DWJ Villains page with pics of some of the bad guys and gals.

Updated the DWJ Neutrals and Vigilantes page with, you got it! Pics! 

Put the preliminary pic and a link to Kanthara's Picture Designs in the DWJ NPC page of Trin.

We took a vote and made Gold, Black and Red the official colors of The Realms of the Imagination. This is after Bishop had gaming shirts created for us all. I hope to borrow the Mobilon from work and get some sharp pics of us all wearing them, and with the new sign by Chris. We'll have to wait until Tony gets back from L.A. (Miserable bum goes there and leaves us hanging around here in -30 weather...)


Sunday, January 16, 2000

Well happy new year and welcome to the new Millennium everyone. This is my first post into the (new) news page and update to my webpage (and it's the 16th already? Took me that long to recuperate from the new year's party! :)

I have been busy at work, so updates won't be regular, but I'll be working on it as time permits. I've taken this evening to work out a few new things for the pages, and here's what I did:

Updated the Department of World Justice's NPC Page with pictures of Averil Cavilier and Zanthia. Definitely check them out, I altered the pic of Zanthia to show her "glowing" eyes.

New format for the News page, I thought it was time for a change for the new Millennium.

Other things around the games table, Bishop got us all shirts! We now are sporting black shirts with our designation or character name on the front. The shirts are black with red lettering, real sharp!

We had our second Administrator's meeting where some important developments have happened. Chris Lee has been given an extension on his Modular Series, he has until the year 2001 to start administrating or it's gone, same with Bishop and his Colonial series, it as well has until the year 2001 to get off the ground. Star Wars has been closed and incorporated into the DWJ series, so expect more spaceships, aliens and futuristic storylines in the DWJ series to come. 

Well I'm gonna be off here, gonna check out the rest of the TSSI sites and see if anything has changed with them. Take call all!

This page Last Edited: Monday, January 01, 2001 06:02 PM