Adobe Photoshop Tutorial - Round Corner

This tutorial will teach you how to make the corners in your picture planes rounded.   I have included pictures to look off of as examples and detailed this tutorial as in much detail as possible for you.  If you are still having problems after you read this tutorial then I suggest that you read it again and keep trying it over and over.   Don't give up on someting that your unsure of.  There are also many Adobe Photoshop Books that you can find at your local Book Store for more detailed explanations and Guidance with Photoshop.

Step 1:
Start a New File in Adobe Photoshop and set the width to 400 pixels and the height to 300pixels. Click ok and move on to Step 2.
Step 2:
You should now have a blank picture box looking like the one to the left.

Step 3:
Take your Marquee Tool from the tools menu and make a square about half the size of Untitled-1 @ 100% (RGB)
Steo 4:
Goto the top menu bar and choose Select > Modify > Smooth...
Step 5:
A dialogue box should appear asking you to pick the Sample Radius for your selected area.   Pick 10 and click OK.
Step 6:
After Clicking OK from the Smooth Selection box, take a look at your image and you will notice that the corners are rounded.  Now take your paing bucket tool and pick any color you want to fill the area to show the area you filled.

That's it! How about that? Did yours turn out to look like mine? It's a simple way of getting things done the right way for simple job. 

After you done you might want to do some more editing. Are you a first week newbie?   Well, here's a tip for you:  After you've finished editing something with the text tool, the circle marque or the square marque, press Ctrl + D to Deselect the object.

That's all you need to know for rounding corners.  Look for more tutorials next week.

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