Students At Vo-Tech Web Page
S.A.V.T. Pages
If you can see the colored toolbars that means you have finally downloaded Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5! The Final Version was released today July 12 and is a very powerful tool. Starting this year I will be creating the Internet Explorer download site for S.A.V.T. As you know from the past I tried to get it working but with IEAK 5.5 I hopefully can get it up and going doing the school session. I would encourage all to download IE 5.5 and burn Netscape and AOL to the ground. I mean just delete Netscape. It's time to grow up and use IE. Good luck all this summer!
Oh Yeah! I Forgot to Mention to all!! For you AIM people if you want your AIM Remote on this page email me. The more AIM remotes the easier of contacting all of us! So send me your AIM names!
Shawn Abramson
Download AOL Instant Messenger
People that are in S.A.V.T. Please email me the link of your site so we can update this page!
S.A.V.T. Members
Personal Web Pages
Shawn Abramson
Clint Bowers
Download AOL Instant Messenger
Jason Dellinger
Download AOL Instant Messenger
Students At Vo-Tech Yahoo! Club
Webmasters and Copyrighted (c) 2000:
Clint Bowers
, and
Shawn Abramson
The Webmasters would like to thank
for the FREE space.