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  How To .... 


Save Dolls To Your Harddrive


Save Dolls To Your Harddrive

Method One

  1. Create your doll
  2. Click on PrtScrn (located at the top of your keyboard next to the F12 button)
  3. Open your Paint program
  4. Paste the doll
  5. Crop the excess surrounding area
  6. Save as a .JPG

Method Two

  1. Create your doll
  2. Open PSP
  3. click on Screen Capture (looks like a camera)
  4. PSP will automatically minimize and the page containing the image you want captured, will be revealed
  5. Right click on the page to activate a crossbow
  6. Move the cross bow to the area you want copied
  7. Left click to activate the selection and move the mouse until the image is surrounded
  8. Left click again and the PSP will maximize with your image in the workspace
  9. Crop the image and save as .JPG