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  How To .... 

Make the backgrounds transparent





Make the backgrounds transparent

To make an image with a transparent background using Animation Shop

  1. First you must have the image saved as a .JPG
  2. Open your desired image in AS
  3. Click on "Animation" > "Replace Color"
  4. A new window will open
  5. Replace color in:  Choose "Selected Frames"
  6. Replace old color:  Use the dropper to select the color you want replaced
  7. With:  Select "transparent opacity"
  8. click to close your image and a new window will open asking if you would like to save "yes"
  9. Another window opens and you will choose a name for your new picture and click "save"
  10. An optimization window will open and you can choose better image quality or smaller file size
  11. Click "next"
  12. click "next" again
  13. Then click "finish"

And now you have a new doll that is on a transparent background