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Signing Nokias Asaparagus

Ever thought you could here definite potential whenever your phone rang. No? Well we did. Here at Signing Nokias Asparagus we make
punked up, junked up, chuck ya lungs up
covers of all your favourite Nokia Tones. Unbelievable I hear you say. But no... it actually works quite well.

It all started when the both of us were in Sheffield having a jam with a band called Northern Hamsters. They're pretty good. Keep an eye out. But anyways the manager took a shine to our ideas and now here we are. Trying to make it in this world of samy music and foo fighters.

Signing Nokias Asparagus is made up of two girlies. Charlotte and Jo. Both nutters so if you see them in the streets avoid. You know you'll just get roped into doing some crazy idea.

Charlotte...Singer, Stripper, Mean Triangle player.
Jo...Just a bassist and backing vocals.

Of course, now we've hooked up with a couple of session musicians we shall be gigging as soon as possible. Woohoo!!

We are also just on the verge of releasing an ep. More details will come as and when they arrive to myself.

SNA's Mission Statement:

back to square 1
