CNA Handbook Supplement
- Dealing with Sharon Pool 101 -

When dealing with Sharon Pool, remember that in her mind she gets extra marks for subtlety. She's a patronizing, mind-fucker, that can bend and twist and warp the truth, but somehow after a period of time she'll eventually set off the
ol’ bullshit meter. But she is smooth.

You’ll have to adjust the sensitivity of your bullshit meter to escape unscathed. Miss "that's not my hall" has a devious method of using words, body language and behavior for the purposes of provoking a particular reaction, getting a desired response or to just plain ol’ screw you over. If you let your guard down, she’ll have you offering to bend over and be fucked one more time while you're saying "anything you want Preceptor Pool."

Lets talk about how the Queen of Conniving works and how to recognize the game (because it very much IS a game) so you can reset that bullshit meter and safeguard against another possible attack.

There is no use in trying to be honest with Sharon Pool. You make a statement and it will be turned around.
Example: I am really angry that you forgot my birthday.
Response - "It makes me feel sad that you would think I would forget your birthday, I should have told you of the great personal stress I am facing at the moment - but you see I didn’t want to trouble you. You are right I should have put all this pain (don’t be surprised to see real tears at this point) aside and focused on your birthday. Sorry."
Even as you are hearing the words you get the creeped out sensation that she really does NOT mean she is sorry at all - but since she's said the words, you’re pretty much left with nothing more to say.

Under all circumstances if you feel this angle is being played - don’t believe the bitch! Do not accept an apology that feels like bullshit. If it feels like bullshit - it probably is.

Rule number one - if dealing with "I have 1st break" Sharon TRUST your gut. TRUST your senses. Once she finds a successful maneuver - it’s added to her hit list and you’ll be fed a steady diet of this shit.

The Poolster is the picture of a willing helper. If you ask her to do something she will almost always agree - that is IF she didn’t volunteer to do it first. Then when you say, "ok thanks" - she makes a bunch of heavy sighs, or other non verbal signs that let you know she doesn’t really want to do whatever said thing happens to be.

When you tell her it doesn’t seem like she wants to do whatever - she will turn it around and try to make it seem like OF COURSE she wanted to and how unreasonable you are. This is a form of crazy making - which is something Queen Sharon is very good at.

Rule number two - If Sharon says YES - make her accountable for it. Do NOT buy into the sighs and subtleties - if she doesn’t want to do it - make her tell you it up front - or just put on the walk-man headphones do a bed bath and let her whine.

Crazy making - saying one thing and later assuring you she did not say it.If you find yourself on a hall where you figure you should start keeping a log of what’s been said because you are beginning to question your own sanity --You are experiencing emotional manipulation.

Sharon Pool is an expert in turning things around, rationalizing, justifying and explaining things away. She can lie so smoothly that you can sit looking at black and she’ll call it white - and argue so persuasively that you begin to doubt your very senses. Over a period of time this is so insidious and eroding it can literally alter your sense of reality. WARNING: Emotional Manipulation is VERY Dangerous!

It is very disconcerting for "Not my Hall Sharon" if you begin carrying a pad of paper and a pen and making notations during conversations. Feel free to let her know you just are feeling so "forgetful" these days that you want to record her words for posterity’s sake.

The damndest thing about this is that having to do such a thing is a clear example of why you should be seriously thinking about removing yourself from the Unit in the first place. If you’re toting a notebook to safeguard yourself - that ol’ bullshit meter should be flashing steady by now!

The Queen is an excellent guilt monger. She can make you feel guilty for speaking up or not speaking up, for being emotional or not being emotional enough, for giving and caring, or for not giving and caring enough. Any thing is fair game and open to guilt with Sharon.

She seldom expresses her needs or desires openly - she gets what she wants through emotional manipulation. Guilt is not the only form of this but it is a potent one. Most of us are pretty conditioned to do whatever is necessary to reduce our feelings of guilt.

Another powerful emotion that is used is sympathy. "Not My Resident" Sharon can make herself out to be a great victim. She'll inspire a profound sense of needing to support, care for and nurture. Sharon seldom fights her own fight or does her own dirty work. The crazy thing is that when you do it for her (which she will never ask directly for), she may just turn around and say that she certainly didn’t want or expect you to do anything!

The Master Manipulator fights dirty. She doesn’t deal with things directly. She will talk around behind your back and eventually put others in the position of telling you what she would not say herself. She is passive aggressive, meaning she finds subtle ways of letting you know she is not a happy little camper.

She’ll tell you what she thinks you want to hear and then do a bunch of jerk off shit to undermine it. If you have a headache Sharon will have a brain tumor! No matter what your situation is, Preceptor Pool has probably been there or is there now - but only ten times worse. It’s hard after a period of time to converse with Miss Perfect because she has a way of de-railing conversations and putting the spotlight back on herself.

If you call her on this behavior she will likely become deeply wounded or very petulant and call you selfish - or claim that it is you who are always in the spotlight. The thing is that even though you know this is not the case you are left with the impossible task of proving it. Don’t bother - TRUST your gut and walk away!

Sharon somehow has the ability to impact the emotional climate of those around her. When she is sad or angry the very room thrums with it - it brings a deep instinctual response to find someway to equalize the emotional climate on the Unit and the quickest route is by making the her feel better - fixing whatever is broken for her. Stick with this type of loser for too long and you will soon find yourself starting to register on the bullshit meter also.

The Master Conniver has no sense of accountability. She takes no responsibility for herself or her behavior - it is always about what everyone else has "done to her". Initially you may perceive her as a person who is very sensitive, emotionally open and maybe a little vulnerable. Believe me when I say that she is about as vulnerable as a rabid pit bull, and there will always be a problem or a crisis to overcome.

Be advised to be very careful when working directly with Sharon Pool. While the Facility can be held responsible for physical injuries incurred while working; psychological and emotional are not covered. Please sign the Sharon Pool inservice release form in the Supervisor's Office upon completion of reading this Handbook addendum.

And then a scholar said, "Speak of Talking."

And he answered, saying:
You talk when you cease to be at peace with your thoughts;

And when you can no longer dwell in the solitude of your heart you live in your lips, and sound is a diversion and a pastime.

And in much of your talking, thinking is half murdered. For thought is a bird of space, that in a cage of words many indeed unfold its wings but cannot fly.

There are those among you who seek the talkative through fear of being alone. The silence of aloneness reveals to their eyes their naked selves and they would escape.

And there are those who talk, and without knowledge or forethought reveal a truth which they themselves do not understand.

And there are those who have the truth within them, but they tell it not in words. In the bosom of such as these the spirit dwells in rhythmic silence.

When you meet your friend on the roadside or in the market place, let the spirit in you move your lips and direct your tongue. Let the voice within your voice speak to the ear of his ear; For his soul will keep the truth of your heart as the taste of the wine is remembered, when the colour is forgotten and the vessel is no more.