So you want the weather for Ottawa? Well, weather forecasters always have a fun time with this one because we go from very cold in January (down as low as -50 Celsius with the windchill) and we go up to 37 degrees Celsius with the Humidex in the summer. Now, I am not a weather forecaster so I will not do any weather forecasting but I provided a great bunch of links to those who do. If you're like myself, maybe you like to check a couple different sources or you have your favorite. Well take your pick. I also have down at the bottom other weather-related links, and news affected by the weather.
Environment Canada Weather forecast for Ottawa-Hull
Rideau Canal Skating Conditions
Ski Report for Ski hills
in the Outaouais and Eastern Ontario
Storm Closures
Canadian Weather Almanac
Ottawa River Water
Information about the UV Index
Information about the Humidex and Humidity
Information about the Windchill
Information about weather watches, warnings and advisories
Information about Thunder and Lightning
Information about blizzards and Winter Hazards
What is your forecast saying? What do all those terms mean?
Ice Storm 98
Environment Canada on The Ice Storm
Storm Photo Gallery
Recent Weather News
Beating the Heat on Ottawa Streets - August 9th, 2001 (Ottawa Sun)