October 31 - 2005-10-31 10:50:58 PSTEmail:
Thus ends the votes from the Norwegian jury....The Ultimate Collection:
Maybe tomorrow Fisherman Dear Angie They're knocking down our home Come and get it Rock of all ages Carry on till tomorrow Midnight caller No matter what I don't mind I can't take it Better days We're for the dark I'll be the one Take it All Money Flying Name of the Game Suitcase Sweet Tuesday Morning Day after day Perfection It's over Apple of my eye Icicles Blind owl Cowboy When I say Timeless I miss you Shine on Love is easy Song for a lost friend Island Matted spam Where do we go from here Lonely you Just a chance Go to get out of here Know one knows Dennis In the meantime/some other time Meanwhile back at the ranch/should I smoke Lay me down Hey mr manager Keep believing Rock'n'roll contract Rocking mashine Old fashioned notion Come and get get it (1978) Airwaves/Look out California Lost inside your love Love is gonna come at last Sail away I Got You Hold on Because I love you Too hung up on you No more Catherine Cares Coppertone Blues Sille Veb Makes me feel good Piano Red (pete Ham) Waited too Long Over You Love inside you in the meantime (Mike Gibbins) Rocking the boat Come and get it (Mike Gibbins) Sue me All caught up No one likes the rain Vampire weddingBack To The Ultimate Collections