We do feel a bit neglected, especially as that record ( Maybe Tomorrow ) got as high as no. 50 in
America and nobody seems to know about it. We had hoped someone might have blown a trumpet
for us when that happened.
We keep writing songs for a new single and submitting them to Apple, but The Beatles keep sending
them back saying theyŽre not good enough. WeŽne now come up with a song that Mal Evans
says he likes, so perhaps we stand a chance at last.
WeŽve had a sound-proof studio built in the flat, and seem to be sweating out all our time in there. Mind
you, weŽve had a lot of things that most groups could not expect. The Beatles bought our gear
for us, all the equipment and the group van, and weŽve had all sorts of consessions . . all we need
now is a hit single, or even just a new single, hit or not, and weŽll be happy.
WeŽre going to keep on writing, and weŽre determined to comw up with something The Beatles like.
At first we were adamant about not recording anything but one of our own songs, but now weŽd record
anything, so long as it was good.
No, The Beatles havenŽt offered us any of their songs, but weŽre not really expecting them to. Paul
McCartneyt did suggest that a couple of tracks off our American LP might make a single . . . but
not for England.
In general weŽre still optimistic - and whatever happens weŽre determined to win.