Carl Barks 1945
Stories: 1. Donald Duck Frozen Gold (24) / 2. Donald Duck Mystery of the Swamp (24) / 3. Donald Duck Thievery Afoot (10) / 4. Donald Duck The Tramp Steamer (10) / 5. Donald Duck and The Long Race to Pumpkinburg (10) / 6. Donald Duck Webfooted Wrangler (10) / 7. Donald Duck The Icebox Robber (10) / 8. Donald Duck Pecking Order (10) / 9. Donald Duck Taming the Rapids (8) / 10. Mickey Mouse and The Riddle of the Red Hat (11) / 11. Donald Duck Days at the Lazy K (8) / 12. Donald Duck Eyes in the Dark (10) / 13. Donald Duck and the Thug Busters (8) / 14. Donald Duck and The Great Ski Race (10) / 15. Donald Duck Ten-Dollar Dither (10) / 16. Donald Duck's Best Christmas (8) / 17. Donald Duck's Merry Christmas*
Apart from the 7 pages "Kite Weather" merely 10 pages Donald stories.
The Mad Chemist, Rival Boatmen, Donald's Bay Lot
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