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King Crimson

Red - Island 1974

Tracks: 1. Red Listen / 2. Fallen Angel / 3. One More Red Nightmare / 4. Providence / 5. Starless / 6. Red [*] / 7. Fallen Angel [*] / 8. Providence [Full V.][*]


Many will say that you're not a real fan of King Crimson, if you're not so crazy about the group's long and partly improvised pieces, but prefer the melodic side of the band. Personally I prefer the group when it stays within the relatively rigid framework which normally applies to the rhythmic music. Then you can then say that I have not understood the group's uniqueness, well, so be it.

In any event, is widely agreed that "Red" is one of the big albums in rock history, so if I allow myself to make objections, it is obviously I who is something wrong.

The title track "Red" is one of the tracks that I have a little trouble with. It is an instrumental with guitarist Robert Fripp in focus. That he is musical equillibrist is beyond dioscussion, and the sound of the guitar is superb. I think, however, that more than six minutes at the top.

In contrast, "Fallen Angel" has everything I like about the group; A beautiful melodic composition by Fripp / Wetton / Palmer-James. Both vocally and instrumentally very convincing, and in this case, the playing time is perfect.

"One More Red Nightmare" is a little harder to go to, but it is actually a very interesting compostition, both musically and lyrically.

The long instrumental "Providence" may well be hard diet and it contains both harmony and dissonance. As a friend told me, "You can not play music like this, when children are nearby, it could go in their nerves". He may have a point.

"Starless" is as beautiful a song as "Fallen Angel" and it may bring to mind the title track on the group's first album. Unfortunately the group here lets the number grow in some instrumentally complex directions, which some will love and others will feel destroy more than it benefits.'

If you are unfamiliar with King Crimson, this probably won't be the best album to introduce to you. "In the Court of the Crimson King" was the album that convinced me of the band's musical importance.

The sound on this new edition is superb, and moreover the album is expanded with three alternate versions and a DVD including contain ing an interesting live performance from France.

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