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Sille Veb

Sille Veb

"Sille Veb"

G                        C    G               D
Won't be long. I'll be gone out on the road
      G               C      G              F                C                        D
and each song that I sing, carries the load of the one I left behind
    G                 C       G               D
Won't be glad. Can't be sad. Playing's my choice
   G                    C     G                  F                C                       (bass:H)
But each day that we've had, shows in my voice of the love's that's in my mind
Am        D                           G
Little Sille Veb - When will you find?

              C            G            D
Any rain, any pain. Yes love it is real.
   G          C       G         F                  C                                 D
But I can't reassure, not till I feel That I'm all you want of me.
        G                   C      G         D
For each day, that you wait, patiently there
         G                 C   G                   F                   C
I just hope and I pray, someday we'll share all the love that there could be
Am            D                            G
Little Sille Veb - When will you mind?

  C       G      D       C       G          D
I want you by my side. I need to be with you
   C    G            D           C
The only time I've lied, is when you would want me to

Am       D                         G
Little Sille Veb - When will you mind?
Am      D                         G
Little Sille Veb - When will you find?

By Pete Ham