CATS Fan Fiction

Here is some fan fic written by me and some other people. Hold your mouse over the link for a description. New stories are at the bottom of the list (above the row of Jellicle Moons =^_^=) If you have any CATS-related fan fic, including any stories about a CAT that you created and would like posted, e-mail me. Enjoy! --Blaze =^_^=

Blaze's story 
Being slowly re-written and improved.

The Big Piece of Gum  -By Claw
the author of this story reads a lot of Xanth novels

The Return of Macavity -by Blaze
Just school boredom at its best

Thistle's story -by Thistle
I'd say the best fanfic that anyone's submitted.

Silver Moon's Story -by Silver Moon

Revenge -by Cassa and Silver-Moon

Oh!  Love! -By Hui Lin
A truely great story

All the Pretty Kitties -by Jemsill
A short but very moving story

Alonzo's Only Love -By Kristen Hinceman

A story of a tom's true love for his queen

Pounce's Longing -By Kristen Hinceman Another story of the love shared between two Jellicles

The Abduction of the Jellicles -By Rumpleteazer Mungo and Rumple are at it again! But then something happens and Mungo is blamed! Can he get the record straight?

The Bright Light of a Torch -By Diamond

Little Darth Mauly -by Blaze and Claw
This is a cute little poem that Claw and I came up with about Darth Maul.