Silver Moon - by Silver Moon


Silver-Moon ran through the streets. Her black and white coat shone in the sunlight. Her icy blue eyes were fixed straight a head. She had to do this, she couldn’t stop now. Even though she was tired she just had to keep going. The dogs were right behind her. The junkyard was so close now that she could smell it. "The dogs are coming. The dogs are coming." She yelled as she ran into the junkyard. All the others looked up and started to scatter. Silver-Moon ran into the pipe, which was too small for the dogs to get in, and sat down so her white wasn’t showing. Then she closed her eyes so the dogs wouldn’t see them. And she put her head down so they couldn’t see her white face. Then she waited.

"I know I saw the little cat run into this junkyard. But now it’s not here." One of the dogs said with a growl.

"I saw it too." Said another.

"You two must be seeing things." Said a third.

‘A third.’ Silver-Moon thought as she opened her blue eyes. ‘I only saw two after me.’ But there they were, the dogs standing in the junkyard.

"Come on let’s go." The third one said as it started to leave. The other followed, still looking around.

Silver-Moon gave a sigh of relief and stood up and walked out of the pipe.

"That was the third time this week." Munkustrap said as he came out of hiding. "Why do they always come after you Silver-Moon?" Munkustrap added as he started to walk up to her. Munkustrap was a gray and black cat but he had a white face.

"In coming." A voice shouted as a cat looking just like Silver-Moon ran into the junkyard. "The dogs are coming." The cat added as it ran towards the pipe.

Silver-Moon started to run to the pipe again and went inside. The other cat came in too. "Dogs after you too dad?" Silver-Moon said with a small smile on her face.

Her dad nodded as he sat down to hid his white belly and white paws then he hid his white face.

Then the same dogs that had chased her came back in. "No cat here. Let’s go." Said the third dog that had came in last again. "We’ll find them later. The butcher is waiting for us so he can give us some bones." He added as he walked out of the junkyard. The other dogs once again followed him out.

Silver-Moon and her Dad both sighed and walked out of the pipe.

"Now it fells like it’s happened the third time this week." Bombalurina said with a small laugh as she came out of her hiding spot. "Like father like daughter, right?" Bombalurina added. Bombalurina was a tabby cat with a mixture of reds, black and white fur belly.

"Ha, ha very funny Bombalurina." Silver-Moon’s dad said.

"But it true Mistoffelees. Whenever Silver-Moon is chased by dogs you are chased by the same dogs a few minuets later. And when ever you’re chased by dogs Silver-Moon is chased by the same dogs a few minuets later." Rumpleteazer said. Rumpleteazer was a tabby with ginger, black and light brown stripes. Her stomach was white and she wore a pearl necklace.

Mistoffelees sighed. "I know it’s true." He said as he rubbed his head on Silver-Moon’s head then smiled at her.

Silver-Moon smiled back. "You’re right Bombalurina. Like father like daughter. And like daughter like father." She said as she gave off a giggle.

"Ha, ha very funny Silver-Moon." Mistoffelees said as he walked over to Munkustrap.

A little full white kitten came out of hiding and ran over to Silver-Moon her name was Victoria. "Hi." She said with a smile. "Did I miss any thing?"

"No Victoria you didn’t." Silver-Moon said. Silver-Moon was a kitten herself she was about the same age as Victoria and her other friends.

"Like father like daughter. And like daughter like father. That works out well." Rum Tum Tugger said as he went and stood next to Silver-Moon. Rum Tum Tugger was a black cat. On his belly in a V shape under his head was a yellow patch of fur with brown dots on it. It was the same as his wrist and down to his hands. And around his neck was a large tuff of brown fur. And it looked like a main of a male lion.

Silver-Moon looked at Rum Tum Tugger then turned and walked over to her father.

"Look like you’ve met your mach Tugger." Misto said with a small smile.

"We still have tonight." Rum Tum Tugger said, as he liked his lips.

"Like I’ll go out with you Tugger." Silver-Moon said with a hiss.

Victoria gave a little giggle as she rubbed Rum Tum Tugger’s neck. "I’ll go out with you." She said with a small smile.

"At list some one well go out with me." Rum Tum Tugger said as he rubbed Victoria’s neck.

"Victoria how could you?" Silver-Moon said in a playful way.

Victoria pulled a funny face at her then started to run. "Can’t catch me." She shouted at Silver-Moon.

"Hay no fare. Bye." Silver-Moon said as she started to run after Victoria. "Get back here." She added as she ran all around the junkyard after Victoria.

"Tonight we'll see if see does like me. Because tonight is the Jellical Ball." Rum Tum Tugger said to him self with a hiss. "Yes tonight she'll be mine." Rum Tum Tugger added under his berth, as he looked at Silver-Moon happily playing with her kitten friend.


The night was young. Not even the stars had come out. And already the junkyard was full of cats. This was the time of year that she loved. Because tonight was the Jellical Ball. Right here right now in the junkyard. Silver-Moon jumped as she felt someone rub against her.

"You’re a bit jumpy." The cat said with a purr.

"And I didn’t give you permission to rub against me Rum Tum Tugger." Silver-Moon said with a hiss as she moved away from him. "Now if I may say I’ve got to go to and talk to Victoria. Sorry." Silver-Moon added as she started to run to her father.

"I will get her sooner or later." Rum Tum Tugger said to him self as he started to walk over to Victoria.

Victoria was talking with Silver-Moon laughing and giggling as she told her jocks. "Hi Rum Tum Tugger." She said when she saw him walking up to them.

Silver-Moon hissed and looked at Victoria. "I’ve got to go." She said as she started to walk away.

"Oh Silver-Moon stay and talk with us." Victoria said with a whine.

"Sorry can’t. I’m a bit busy all of a sudden." And with that Silver-Moon ran off.

"I wonder what’s up with her." Victoria said with a sigh. "She’s been like this all the time you’ve come near her Rum Tum Tugger. I wonder why she’s never talking to you as much as she used to." Victoria added as she rubbed up against Rum Tum Tugger.

"I wonder why to Victoria. I just don’t get her." Rum Tum Tugger said with a small hiss that Victoria couldn’t hear.

Just then Mistoffelees came up and sat down. "Hi." he said with a smile.

"Why doesn’t your daughter like me Mistoffelees." Rum Tum Tugger said looking at Mistoffelees.

Mistoffelees shrugged "I don’t know." He said with a small smile on his face. "Maybe she’s just playing hard to get." He added as he started to stretch and yawn.

"Do you think you can get her to like me?" Rum Tum Tugger said as he licked his lips.

"It’s her chouse if she wants to be with you or not." Mistoffelees said as he scratched his head. "I can’t make her decisions for her. I only tell her what to do. Like don’t hurt them or things like that. I don’t tell her to go out with cats she doesn’t want to." Mistoffelees added as he stood up. "I better go. Bye." Then Mistoffelees also walked off and joined with his daughter and started to talk to her.

Rum Tum Tugger watched her laugh and smile as they talked together. Red-hot rage burned up inside of him. He wanted Silver-Moon and no one was going to stop him from getting her. "I’m have to go Victoria. I’ll be back soon." He said to the little kitten next to him.

Victoria nodded. "See you soon." She said as she got up and went over to Silver-Moon and her father and started to talk to with them.

Rum Tum Tugger smiled a small smile. And started to walk out of the junkyard.

"Where are you going Tugger?" Munkustrap asked as he walked up to him.

"Bombalurina asked me to wait out the front of the junkyard for her." Rum Tum Tugger said with a smile.

"Be back soon. The fun is just about to begin." Munkustrap said as he smiled back at Rum Tum Tugger. And then he walked off.

"No Munkustrap. The fun has no where near began." And then he left the junkyard. And left the laughing and giggling Silver-Moon.


Silver-Moon watched as Rum Tum Tugger leaving the junkyard. "Where’s he going Munkustrap?" she said as she walked up to him.

"He’s gone to wait for Bombalurina out front. Why do you ask?" Munkustrap said looking at Silver-Moon.

"But he can’t be waiting for Bombalurina Munkustrap." Silver-Moon said with a hiss.

"Why not?" Munkustrap said looking at Silver-Moon with confusion on his face.

"Because Bombalurina is here." Silver-Moon said pointing with one paw at Bombalurina.

Munkustrap looked at Bombalurina then to where Rum Tum Tugger used to be standing. "Then where did he go?" Munkustrap said looking back at Silver-Moon.

"How should I know." She said. "But let me tell you this Munkustrap He’s not waiting for Bombalurina that’s for shore." Silver-Moon added with a hiss. " I’m going to tell my dad. He might be able to tell us." Then she ran off with Munkustrap close behind her.

"Nothing. I can’t find anything on his whereabouts." Mistoffelees said as he opened his eyes.

"I’ve found nothing as well." Silver-Moon said as she to opened her eyes. All the cats where together waiting to hear anything on Rum Tum Tugger’s whereabouts.

"He must be out of our range." Mistoffelees said looking at his daughter.

Silver-Moon nodded. "If he wasn’t we’ll be able to find him." She said. "That means he must be somewhere near where Macavity’s land is." Silver-Moon added.

All the cats hissed. " But why has he gone over there." A black and white cat named Alonzo said.

Silver-Moon shook her head. "I don’t know. He might have gone over there just to be alone." She said.

"Or to get Macavity to do some thing for him. He’s done that once or twice before you where born Silver-Moon." Alonzo said. "When he was about your age. You see Silver-Moon it’s like this. Macavity is his only living relative left. Macavity is his Uncle. But one day Mistoffelees found him, and I mean the Tugger not Macavity, and looked after him until he found him a human family to live with." Alonzo added.

Silver-Moon looked at Alonzo then to her dad. "Is this true?" she said.

Mistoffelees nodded. "It’s true." He said.

"How sweet. I always knew you were some one like that." Silver-Moon said as she rubbed up against him.

"I knew too." Mistoffelees said with a small smile on his face.

Alonzo steeped in. "So if he’s near the Macavity pate of town then he’s most probably getting help." He said.

Silver-Moon nodded. "But how can we find out if he is." She said with a frown.

"You don’t need to." Came a voice from behind them all.

All the cats hissed again. And Silver-Moon slowly turned around.

Rum Tum Tugger smiled. "Did you all miss me? Of cause you all did." He said as he started to laugh. "Honey I’m home." He added as he jumped of the chair.

"Hello. Where have you been? You left without telling anyone. " Silver-Moon said as she tried to stay calm.

"I’ve been out and about." Rum Tum Tugger said as he started to walk around Silver-Moon.

Silver-Moon watched Rum Tum Tugger with her eyes only. "So now your back and what do you want?" she said with a hiss.

Rum Tum Tugger smiled. "I’ve come for you." He said as he stopped in front of her.

"Well you can’t have her." Mistoffelees said as he stood next to Silver-Moon.

"We won’t let you." Alonzo said as he stood on the other side of Silver-Moon.

"I’m sorry Tugger." Bombalurina said as she also took a place near Silver-Moon.

Victoria looked up at Rum Tum Tugger but didn’t make eye contact then went and took a place near Silver-Moon. The other cats all looked up then all went near Silver-Moon or next to other cats.

Rum Tum Tugger smiled again. "I’ll get you and no one well stop me Silver-Moon. And Munkustrap the fun is just begging now." And then he ran off and out of the junkyard.

All the cats gave off a sigh. Then started to walk around the junkyard to make shore that there was no one from Macavity’s part of town. No one was there. Even Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer didn’t like Macavity any more even though they used to work for him.

"So now he want’s me." Silver-Moon said with a sigh.

"He’s always wanted you Silver-Moon." Bombalurina said as she walked up to her. "He’s be after you since you’ve been coming here. He’s been in love with you but you’ve never paid attention to him. The more you didn’t pay attention to him the more he wanted you. So now he’s found away to try and get you. By going to his Uncle Macavity he has more of a chance of getting you." She added as she started to rub her head with a paw.

"I’ve never liked him even though I did talk to him sometimes. He’s always been after other kittens or you." Silver-Moon said as she looked around. "And I’ve had my eyes on other cats anyway." She added. "Well all we need to do is find out what games he wants to play to get me." Then she turned away from where the Tugger had left the junkyard and walk over to her dad.


"I need your help." Rum Tum Tugger said as he started to pace.

Macavity smiled. " You’ll owe me Rum Tum Tugger. And I hope you’ll remember that." He said. "And I want to pick what you’ll owe me." He added with a bigger smile.

"I know I’ll owe you. What ever you want I’ll give to you. You’ve just got to help me get what I want." Rum Tum Tugger snapped.

"I don’t got to do any thing Tugger. I do what I want and when I want to. I don’t need to help you. But I well. And from now on don’t say I’ve got to do anything or I won’t help you." Macavity said as he glared at Rum Tum Tugger.

"Sorry." Rum Tum Tugger said as he stopped pacing. "There is this girl. Who never talks to me except to say good bye. And her name is Silver-Moon. I want her. But I need your help to get her. So well you help me?" He added.

"Of cause I well." Macavity said with a smile. Macavity was a ginger cat; he was also very tall and thin. And he always has a mean cat grin on his face. "But if I like this Silver-Moon you must give her too me. Or I won’t help you. Do we have a deal?" Macavity added with a bigger grin.

"Deal. And if you don’t like her?" Rum Tum Tugger said.

"Then I tack a different cat." Macavity said.

"Shall we go now?" Rum Tum Tugger said as he walked over to Macavity to shake his paw.

"No we’ll wait until the stars are fully out." Then Macavity let out an evil laugh that rang out into the night.

Silver-Moon looked up at the night sky. Her black and white coat sparkled in the moonlight. It looked like it had fireflies on it. So did her dad’s it was how the magical cats could be seen at night and so you knew they were magical cats. Tonight would be the one night all the cats would remember.

"Are you ok?" Alonzo said as he walked up to Silver-Moon. "You look kind of sad." He added as he rubbed against her with a smile.

"I’m just thinking Alonzo." Silver-Moon said as she rubbed Alonzo back. "Do you think that Rum Tum Tugger well do as he said he will?" Silver-Moon added as she looked at Alonzo.

"I know he will. If he wants you that bad he’ll do anything just to get you." Alonzo said with a hiss. All the cats hated the Tugger now.

"Alonzo?" Silver-Moon said his name not to shore if she should ask this question.

"Yes Silver-Moon? What do you want to ask me?" Alonzo said knowing she had a question on her lips witch she had to know the answer to.

"Alonzo…well he even kill someone just to get me?" Silver-Moon said with a lot of hesitation.

Alonzo looked at her and stated to nod. "He most probably will." He said.

Silver-Moon nodded and looked back up at the stars.

Alonzo looked at her and could just see a tear roll down her check. "Oh Silver-Moon don’t cry." He said as he wiped the tear away with his paw.

"Alonzo what’s going on why is you crying?" Mistoffelees said quietly as he walked up to them. His coat too was sparkling.

Alonzo looked at him and frond. "She’s crying about Rum Tum Tugger killing or hurting her friends just to get to her." Alonzo said.

Mistoffelees nodded. "He might kill or hurt cats. But I don’t think he well." Mistoffelees said. "But it is a possibility. We must think of how to not get it that far." Mistoffelees added. As he started to pace.

"The only way to make shore that it doesn’t happen is to tell him that I’ll go with him as soon as he comes back." Silver-Moon said as she took her eyes off the sky and onto her father and Alonzo, who were now looking at her.

"We won’t let you. You don’t want to go with him really do you Silver-Moon." Alonzo said looking at her through tears that had started to full down his checks.

"No, but if it will stop him from hurting anyone or kill anyone then I will go with him." Silver-Moon said through more tears. "He’s after me no one else. So why not." Silver-Moon added as she started to whip away her tears.

"I’ll find away to get you back don’t you worry." Mistoffelees said as he gave Silver-Moon a hug.

"Don’t dad. He’ll just try and get me back again." She said as she rubbed against him. "I’ll do everything on my own. I’ll get to him make him see this is wrong. Try and help him be the cat we all used to know."

Mistoffelees nodded. "If that’s what you want to do. Then I can’t stop you." He said with a small smile.

"This is what I want. I want to help him like you did once." Silver-Moon said with a sigh.

Mistoffelees nodded again. "We’ll be here if you need us. Remember that." He said as he put a paw around her shoulders.

"I’ll remember that always dad." Silver-Moon said with a smile.

"Hello everyone. I’m back." Rum Tum Tugger said as he walked in the junkyard.

All the cats hissed and went over to Silver-Moon.

"Oh that won’t help her this time." Rum Tum Tugger said as he pointed to a dark figure next to him.

Macavity smiled and showed his white teeth then came out of the shadows. "Hello boys and girls. Death is here." Then he laughed.

Silver-Moon looked to the ground then pushed her way out of the crowd of cats in front of her. Then she looked up, she didn’t care if the other cats where calling her to get back. She didn’t care she just stood there looking into Rum Tum Tugger’s eyes. She sighed. "What do I have to do to make it not go to far." She said with a hiss.

"Come with me and no one we’ll get hurt." The Tugger said.

Silver-Moon sighed again and started to look around the junkyard. This had been her home. She had never left the junkyard before. Not even to get food. Then she looked at the cats standing behind her. They were her friends and family. Even if they weren’t related to her she love them all. Then there was her dad, Alonzo, Victoria and little Jemima they had been there for her more then any one had. And Alonzo she knew him since he just became a teenager. Or what ever they were called in human terms. And her friends Victoria and little Jemima they had been together since they were born. She had to leave them all. She had no choice. She had to leave the cats she loved. And Alonzo she loved him more then any other cat. She had fallen in love with him. And now she had to leave him too. She turned back to Rum Tum Tugger and started to walk over to him.

"No don’t go." All the cats cried. Mistoffelees, Alonzo, Victoria and little Jemima just sat there and watched quietly. They knew she would go. Tears we’re in their eyes but they wouldn’t let them fall.

"I’m sorry." Silver-Moon whispered to them. And then she left the junkyard with Rum Tum Tugger.


Silver-Moon walked slowly next to Rum Tum Tugger as they made their way down twisted alleys. She took in every detail of the streets they walked down and ever detail of the buildings. Slowly Rum Tum Tugger stopped. Silver-Moon almost ran into him. "Why have you stopped?" she said as she looked around to see why.

"I was waiting for you to stop daydreaming." Ha said with a hiss.

Silver-Moon looked at him. "You know this is wrong. Don’t you. And you know that I don’t even want to be with you." She said with a louder hiss.

"I told you I’ll get you sooner or later and now I have." He said through his teeth.

"Was I just a challenge to you? So you could make the other cats know if you want something you’ll get it. To make them see that your not a Mr. Nobody. To make them like you? They don’t like you Tugger they all hate you now. You can still be the cat you once were. If you take me back they’ll all help you get through things. Like friends are meant to. Please just tack me back." Silver-Moon said as she started to cry.

Rum Tum Tugger turned to look at her. His face was red with anger. "No you weren’t a challenge. You were easy to get. Just make a threat abut something to do with your friends and you come." He said with a hiss.

"What are you to talking about?" Macavity said as he started to walk back up to them.

Silver-Moon looked at Rum Tum Tugger and Macavity. Then she turned up her nose and looked away.

Macavity laughed and walk around her. "She is a nice looking cat. Brave. A born little lady. I like her." He said.

Silver-Moon looked at him mouth open. "What are you talking about?" she said.

"You’ll still keep your part of the deal won’t you Tugger." Macavity said with a hiss.

Rum Tum Tugger nodded. "Of cause I will." He said.

"Good. And now that I’ve seen her better I want her." Macavity said as he started to walk around Silver-Moon again.

"What’s going on Tugger? Have you made a deal with your Uncle Macavity? To scared to try and get me your self." She said with a hiss.

"She also has sprit." Macavity said as he stopped in front of her. "Well Tugger can I. Or do I have to kill you?" he added looking at Rum Tum Tugger.

"Tack her. I don’t care. I’ll go and get Victoria." He said.

"You know Victoria won’t go with you. She hates you now. You’ve taken one of her friends away from her. And all the cats will attack you once you set foot in that junkyard." Silver-Moon said with a hiss. "And what do you mean by take her? Take me where?" Silver-Moon added.

"Our deal was if I liked you I got you. And If I didn’t I would get a different cat. But I like you so I’m going to have you. Any question?" Macavity said with a smile on his face.

Silver-Moon hissed. "I’ll go with Rum Tum Tugger before I go with you." She said as she let out a built of lightning and started to run back to the junkyard.

When the smoke and dust settled down there was no sight of her. Macavity hissed. "I’ll get her. And I’ll get you the little white Victoria." He said. "I’ll get them all." And then he turned and started to walk into his land.


Silver-Moon ran into the junkyard very quickly. Almost running into the little Jemima. "Silver-Moon." Jemima squalid with happiness. Jemima was a small kitten. Smaller then most of the kittens in the junkyard. Her fur was different Purples, black and grays all mixed in with each other. She had a white belly. And a red, orange, black and white head. "You back." She added as she gave her a hug. All the cats looked up and smiled and started to walk over to her.

Mistoffelees pushed to the front of the group with Victoria and Alonzo next to him. " Your back. But how did you get back here?" Mistoffelees said as he gave his daughter a hug.

"I can’t stay long. I came to tell you all that Rum Tum Tugger is now after Victoria." Silver-Moon said. Her ice blue eyes where looking at all the faces.

"But why he was after you." Alonzo said. "Why would he now go after Victoria?" Alonzo added with a hiss.

"Macavity wouldn’t have helped Rum Tum Tugger without a deal. And now Macavity wants me. Macavity said if he liked me he would have me. If he didn’t he would get a different cat. But he liked me so now he wants me. And Rum Tum Tugger wants Victoria." Silver-Moon said with a sigh. "It’s just one big nightmare that I want to wake up from. But I know I can’t." she added.

Alonzo gave Silver-Moon a hug "It’s ok. You’ll be fine. We’ll get through this don’t you worry." He said. Then there was a flash of lightning and an evil laugh.

"I’m here." Macavity said. 4 other cats came into the Junkyard. One of them happened to be The Rum Tum Tugger. The other three no one had seen before. "I’d like you all to meet my family. Ciggie, Zelia and Cassa." The three cats laughed. There where two girls and one boy. "I did have two boys. But the other one went missing." Macavity said with a laugh.

Silver-Moon steep forwards. "You want me come and get me." She said as she started to turn into thousands of butterflies.

One of Macavity cats looked at the butterflies. "Oh Eek." She said as she started to run away.

"Cassa get back here." The boy cat said. "If you wont to play games. Then I’ll play games." He added as he sent out a shook wave of light to hit butterflies out of the sky.

When the wave hit the group of butterflies they all fell to the ground and Silver-Moon once again appeared. "AAAHHH." Silver-Moon screamed in pain. "What the hell was that?" she added looking at the cat still in a lot of pain.

"My shook wave that drains your power." He said. "And so you’ll remember I’m Ciggie." Then he laughed and started to walk to wards Silver-Moon. When the cats tried to stop him he just pushed them out of the way.

Mistoffelees stood in front of Silver-Moon. "You’re not going to get her." He said with a hiss.

Ciggie smiled and sent out another shook wave that made all the cats go flying.

Silver-Moon hissed. "Why me I don’t want to go." She said as she made her self as tall as she could. But she still wasn’t as tall as Ciggie.

Ciggie put a paw on hers and held Silver-Moon down so she couldn’t get away. "You’re coming with us. And I don’t care how much you say your not going to. You are." And then a ripple of light came from Ciggie.

When all the cats had gotten up. There was no sine of Macavity’s little party or Silver-Moon.

Chapter 7.

Silver-Moon opened her eyes. She had no idea what had happen that night. "Where am I?" Silver-Moon said looking around a room full of pillows and mirrors.

"You’re in my room." Came a voice from behind her.

Silver-Moon turned around and looked into the blazing green eyes of Ciggie. "You…You took me from my family. Take me back now." Silver-Moon shirked.

"No. I like you here." Ciggie said with a purr. "To tell you the truth. I think you look very beautiful." Ciggie added licking his lips.

"Get away from me jerk off." Silver-Moon shouted pushing Ciggie away.

"What’s up with you?"

"You are jerk off."

"I’m not a jerk off."

"Yes you are."

"No I’m not."

"Yes you are."

"No I’m not."

"Yes you are. Times ten."

"No I’m not. Times 20."

"Yes you are. Time the whole universe." Silver-Moon said looking away from Ciggie.

"I think I love you." Ciggie said walking up to Silver-Moon.

Silver-Moon turned back around and punched him in the nose. "Back off jerk." She said with a hiss.

"Fine I’ll leave you here. I hope you like your room." Then Ciggie left leaving the crying Silver-Moon behind him

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