Blaze Story cont.

After a long and tiring day of meeting cats, shaking paws, discussing trivial things, and playing with the kittens, Blaze was ready to return home. She walked down the darkened sidewalk, accompanied by Mistoffelees. "Does Tugger always act like that?" she asked. "Oh, yeah," Mistoffelees replied. "He flirts with every queen he comes upon." Blaze laughed. "What about you? How many queens do you flirt with?" Mistoffelees flushed scarlet. "Uh...none," he said. "Mostly they flirt with me. Especially Victoria."

"Oh, you mean the white kitten?"

"Yeah. She's a bit young for me, though."


They continued on, silent for a few moments. "So, what's it like living in the old Wensworth Place?" Mistoffelees inquired. "Pretty good," Blaze said. "There's lots of space and a lot of books to read." "Books?" Mistoffelees said. "Wow, I love books." "Looks like we've got another thing in common," Blaze chirped. Mistoffelees smiled, shyly.

A few days passed, and Blaze found herself becoming more at home with the Jellicles. And she was also becoming more comfortable with Mistoffelees hanging around her all the time. In fact, she was really starting to like it. But she was also starting to get a funny suspicion from it.

One day, as Blaze sat on the Old Ford, chatting with Mistoffelees, she got a funny feeling. Her ears shot up. "What's wrong?" Mistoffelees asked. "I...don't know," Blaze said. She sniffed the air. A familiar scent hung in her nostrils. But when she finnaly recognized it, it was too late. Macavity lept out of the shadows and grabbed Blaze, who was writhing and screaming. "Blaze!" Mistoffelees yelled. He shot a bolt of lightning at Macavity, but he dodged and vanished, laughing maniacally and drowning out Blaze's cry.

Mistoffelees fell to his knees, his fists clenched. "Nooo!!" he wailed. Munkustrap rushed to the scene. "What happened?" he said, putting a comforting paw on Mistoffelees' trembling shoulder. He knew Mistoffelees was angry beyond comfort. "Macavity!" he spat. "He came out of nowhere and took Blaze! And I was too stupid to stop him!" "It's okay," Munkustrap soothed. "It wasn't your fault." He stood up and faced everyone. "No wasting time!" he said. "We're going on a rescue mission. If Macavity turns Blaze against us, there's no telling what might happen!"

Blaze squirmed in the ropes that bound her. It had taken Macavity's henchrats forever to subdue her. As soon as she had been brought to the lair, she had set about zapping and fighting off any rat that tried to come near her. It took sneaking up on her and forcing rubber gloves on her paws before the rats could tie her up. Now she sat bound, gagged, and extremely angry before Macavity.

"Tsk tsk tsk," Macavity said. "I honestly expected more from the daughter of the great Star Fire." Blaze tried to shout in response, but all that came out was "Mrfummrph!" Macavity laughed. He walked around her, almost tauntingly. She desperatly wanted to lash out at him and give his fur a reason to be frizzy.

"Now, you're probably wondering why I have brought you to my humble abode," Macavity said. Blaze snuffed. Humble indeed! "Well my...magical friend...there's your answer. Your powers could greatly attribute to my domination of the Jellicles." Blaze made a series of muffled yells and wails. She wasn't going to give Macavity the honor of hearing her telepathically. "Oh, don't sound so upset," Macavity chided. "Just think of the possibilities! With me in control, you could have anything and everything you could possibly want! And all just for this one small favor." Blaze growled. He was lying! "You could even choose any tom you want for a mate," Macavity continued. "Even..." He put his face close to hers. "Mistoffelees." Blaze went nuts. She screamed and writhed furiously. How dare him! "I know how you feel about him," Macavity said, mockingly. "You just don't want to admit it. Especially around someone like me." Blaze shook her head. No! How could he know? How? Her face turned bright red. Macavity laughed. Come now, Star Blazer, you'll give yourself a migrane." < You're a migrane! > Blaze screamed, telepathically. She could hold her silence no longer. "Ah, you see?" he crowed. "No normal magical cat has telepathy!" Blaze realized that Macavity must be insane. He was absolutely nuts. He grabbed her face in his paws. She could see the madness growing. "Your powers will make me invincible! Join me!" < Never! > Blaze spat.

Macavity released her. "I'll give you some think. You will change your mind, before long." He looked over at the rats. "Put her in the closet." The rats obeyed, and shoved Blaze roughly into a small, cold, dark, and musty closet that was nearby. They didn't untie her, or remove her gag. So Blaze had to lie there on the cold, concrete floor. 'Please help me, Misto,' she thought.