Blaze's story, cont.


Blaze was hurled roughly to the ground. The area behind the warehouse was even more disgusting than the inside. Perhaps it was the musty odor. Or it just may have been all of the knawed bones that littered the ground. Both made Blaze's weak stomach turn flips. Her blurry eyes could make out the shape of several rats surrounding her, they're bright red eyes glowing and their red tongues licking their mouths with anticipation.

"Hey, boyssss!" hissed one. "Dinner isssss sssserved!"

Several more rats emerged from various holes in the surrounding area and converged upon the small queen. Several got close to her and began to sniff. "Ssssshe's fresssssh," one commented, wiping the drool frim his chin.

"Of coursssse," said another. "Sssshe'sssss not even a year old. Tender meat." The rats all murmered in satisfaction. "Ssssso, who getssss firsssst grabsss?" "Who caressss! Get it while it'ssss sssstill warm!"

The rats lept upon the helplessly bound queen.

Macavity sat on his pillow, examining his razor-like claws. He could hear the clamour of the rats outside, feasting on their victim. Macavity almost felt like sighing. The queen was only one of three magical cats he knew of, one of them already dead. "Pity," he said. "I suppose I'll simply have to do with that little black runt."

"Who are you calling 'runt'?" came a sharp hiss. Macavity didn't even glance over at the small group of toms who had entered his sanctuary. "Oh, just a worthless little peck of a tom named Mistoffelees," Macavity said. "He's not much of a cadidate for my services, but I'm sure something can be worked out."

"In your dreams," Mistoffelees snapped. Macavity's scarlet eyes landed on the small tom. "And what do you plan to do, young one?" he said, changing the subject. "You know you cannot save her now. Her bones have already been knawed white by my rats. Your oddessy here was for absolutely nothing." "Not if we move fast enough," Munkustrap said, leaping at the evil tom.

"Munkustrap!" Alonzo yelled. He jumped in to help his friend. Macavity slashed at the two, knocking them away from him. "Pitiful!" he hissed. "What a joke!" Three rats had heard the rukous and had returned to aid their master. One lept at Asparagus, and the other two attacked Munkustrap and Alonzo. Mistoffelees was shoved against the wall as the toms and rats clawed, bit, and howled.

"What are you waiting for?" Alonzo said. "See what's happened to Blaze!"

Mistoffelees seemed to be frozen. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He'd never seen such a horrid battle in his life. And what's more, the toms were willing to fight for a girl they'd known for such a short time...

"Mistoffelees!" Munkustrap yelled. "NOW!!" The tom sent a swipe towards Mistoffelees to get him moving.

Mistoffelees gasped in horror at what he saw. The mass of rats swarming over a small lifeless form. At the rate they were boring away at her flesh, there was no way she was alive. But Mistoffelees refused to give up hope. Holding up his paws, he allowed bolts of fierce electricity to spark and flash from each fingertip. Then, he hurled them at the swarm of rats. The rats scattered, most flying from their food, trying to find somewhere to sooth their singed flesh.

Mistoffelees saw Blaze and nearly wretched. Her fur was torn and soaked with blood. All four of her limbs had been knawed completely to the bone. Several deep gashes ran throughout her body, the edges mangled and torn from the rats' greedy teeth. Her ears had been chewed completely off. And she wasn't breathing.

Blaze Story Main